fásach2, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh, gpl. ~). 1. Waste, desert; uncultivated, uninhabited, region; empty, deserted, place. Amuigh san fhásach, out in the wilderness, in the desert. Dul chun fásaigh, to run to waste. Tá an talamh ina fhásach, the land is lying waste. Tá an teach ina fhásach, the house is lying empty, deserted. Éanlaith an fhásaigh, birds of the wild, wild birds. Guth san fhásach, a voice (crying) in the wilderness. Liú ar fhásach, a cry in the wilderness; a wild shout. An giorria san fhásach (agus an breac ar an linn), the hare takes to the wild (and the trout to the pool); everything takes after its kind. 2. Wild, luxuriant, growth; uncropped pasture. ~ féir, grass growing wild, luxuriant grass. Tá ~ ar na híochtair, there is luxuriant growth on the low-lying parts. Tá an gairdín seo ina fhásach, this garden is rank with weeds. Tá sé ina fhásach orm, it has grown wild on me, gone beyond me. 3. (gs. as attrib. a.) (a) Empty, deserted. Teach fásaigh, empty, uninhabited, house. Seanchaisleán fásaigh, old deserted castle. (b) Wild, overgrown, luxuriant. Coirce fásaigh, wild oats. Féar fásaigh, rank grass.
fásach3, a1 = fás2 2.
fasach, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh, gpl. ~). Jur: Precedent. (Var: fásach1)
In ~ fásach, in a certain wilderness.
I ndiamhra fásaigh, in desert solitudes.
(Imeacht) sna ~ fásaigh, (to go off) at full stretch, at top speed.
~ sé an fheirm chun fásaigh, he let the farm run to waste.
Bhí a gcnámha ag ~ san fhásach, their bones lay whitening in the wilderness.