Tá lá mór oibre os mo choinne, there is a big day’s work confronting me.
Lá ~ oibre, average day’s work.
Lá crua oibre a chur isteach, to put in a hard day’s work.
Rinne mé ~ leis mar go raibh lá mór oibre roimhe, I gave him something extra (to eat) because he had a hard day’s work ahead of him.
Lá ~ oibre, short day’s work.
~ oibre, seilge, níocháin, day’s work, hunting, washing.
Lá ~ oibre, great day’s work.
Lá oibre, a day’s work; a working day.
Ní raibh ~ lae oibre air, he didn’t miss a day’s work.
Lá oibre a thógáil ort féin, to take it on oneself to do a day’s work.