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láimh-2. For words not found under láimh- see lámh-.
láimh1. 1. ds. of lámh1. 2. f = lámh1.
Ó láimh go h~, from one hand to the other.
~ i dtaca, i láimh, i mbos, a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a leg up.
de láimh, disposal.
Duine a thabhairt do láimh, to bring s.o. to hand, into custody.
~ ar láimh, anonn, balance in hand, carried forward.
4. ~ do láimh (rud a dhéanamh), undertake (to do sth.).
~ do láimh, taking in hand; undertaking.
Rud a ghlacadh as láimh, ort féin, to take sth. in hand, upon oneself.
Lean ar do láimh, continue with what you are doing.
Rud a ghlacadh, a thógáil, ar láimh, as láimh, i láimh, to undertake sth.
Ghlac sé an gasúr as láimh, he took the boy in hand.
Fág ar a láimh é, leave it to him to do.
Dá mbeadh sé ar mo láimh, if it depended on me.
Tá do shaol ar do láimh féin agat, your future rests in your own hands.
Duine a thabhairt ar láimh, i láimh, to bring s.o. into custody.
Gabhadh do láimh é, he was taken captive.
Rud a chur de láimh, to dispose of sth.
Ordú agus cur de láimh, order and disposition.
Aithrisim ar a láimh é, I attribute it to his hand.
Faoi mo láimh, signed by me.
Ná himir as láimh, don’t play out of turn.
Caitheamh faoi láimh, underhand throw.
Láimh le, close by, beside.
Suigh láimh liom, sit at my hand, beside me.
Ag siúl láimh le cuan, walking along by the harbour.
Tá sé láimh le a bheith déanta, it is nearly done.
I láimh a chéile, by degrees.
I bhfad ó láimh, hard to get at.
Faoi do láimh, ready to hand.
Tá mé ag an láimh agat, I am at your hand, service.
As láimh, immediately.
~ sé ar a láimh, he kept on at what he was doing.
Is minic a bádh, a cailleadh, ~ láimh le cuan, there’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.
Léig ~ láimh é, pass it over, omit it.
Faoi mo láimh agus mo shéala, given under my hand and seal.
Thug siad i láimh é, they arrested him.
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