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Similar words: meath · meach · meadh · meat · meata
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meath-3, pref. 1. Failing, fading, weak. 2. Middling, moderately, fairly, rather.
meath1, m. (gs. ~a).1. vn. of meath2. 2. Decline, decay, decadence; failure. ~ curaíochta, tionscail, decline of tillage, of industry. ~ tíre, pobail, decline of country, of population. ~ uirbeach, urban blight. ~ póir, failure of seed. ~ sláinte, failing health. Tá ~ amhairc, cuimhne, misnigh, air, his sight, memory, courage, is failing. Tá ~ ar a ghné, he is losing his appearance. Tháinig ~ ar na barra, the crops failed. Níl ~ ar bith go fóill ort, you haven’t failed a bit. Níor chuir sin ~ air, that didn’t deter, discourage, him. Tá ~ do bharúla ort, you are wrong in your opinion. Bhí ~ an mhargaidh, na malairte, na mullóige, orm, I got the worst of the bargain. Dul ar ~, to decline. Gan mheath, without fail.
meath2, v.t. & i. (pp. -ata). 1. Decline, decay, fail, deteriorate. Síolta, barra, ag ~, seeds, crops, failing. Coillte ag ~, woods decaying. Talamh ag ~, land deteriorating. Cine ag ~, a race degenerating. Céadfaí, intleacht, ag ~, bodily senses, intelligence, becoming impaired. Solas ag ~, light fading. Mheath a shláinte, his health failed. Is mór a mheath sé le gairid, he has failed a lot lately. S.a. barúil12, leath1II 1(a).2. Waste, fritter away. Ag ~ an lae, wasting the day. Tá tú ag ~ do chuid airgid, you are frittering away your money. Ná bí dár ~ mar sin, don’t be wasting our time like that.
meath4, m = meá1.
Níor mheath mo bharúil orm, I judged rightly.
Is fearr ~ ná meath, something is better than nothing.
Tá cuma mheata orthu, they have a sickly appearance.
Aghaidh mheata, pale, thin, face.
Croí ~, faint, craven, heart.
Gníomh ~, cowardly, dastardly, deed.
Duine ~ a dhéanfadh é, only an abject person would do it.
Meath na ~e, senile decay.
Ní raibh aon fhear meata ar a shliocht, no man of his stock was a coward.
Féachaint an fás nó meath a bhí ag dul ar na barra, to see whether the crops were growing or failing.
An Mhí, an Mhucais, an Róimh, an Mheánmhuir, Meath, Muckish, Rome, the Mediterranean. (With
Níor ~eadh Mí de Mhaigh Uisnigh roimhe sin, the plain of Uisneach was not called Meath before then.
~ta na Mí, the grassy plains of Meath.
~ na Mí, the plains of Meath.
Ghluaiseamar ~ chlár na Mí, we proceeded through the plains of Meath.
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