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~ na Gine, Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
Tá an uair, an meán oíche, ~te linn, it is coming near the time, midnight.
An choinneal airneáin a chaitheamh, to keep late hours, to talk far into the night; to burn the midnight oil.
Dá mba ar uair an mheán oíche é, even at the hour of midnight.
Tá sé ag ~amh ar an meán oíche, it is approaching midnight.
Tá an oíche thar ~, it is past midnight.
~ an mheán oíche, midnight matins.
Ar an ~ oíche, at midnight.
Ar uair an mheán oíche, at the midnight hour.
I ~í an mheán oíche, bordering on midnight.
I d~ an mheán oíche, close to midnight.
I d~ an mheán oíche, towards midnight.
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