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radadh could be a grammatical form of: rad »
radadh, m. (gs. radta). 1. vn. of rad2. 2. Showering, pelting. Thugamar ~ dóibh, we pelted them. Chuir siad ~ cloch linn, they showered us with stones. A leithéid de ~ fearthainne! Such a downpour! 3. (Of horse, etc.) Kick, fling. Bhí gach léim agus gach ~ aige, he was jumping and cavorting for all he was worth.
~adh luach a deor di, she was rewarded for her tears.
Clocha a ~adh le rud, to cast stones at sth.
Bhí sé ag ~adh ceisteanna chugam, he was plying me with questions.
Ag ~adh dorn, throwing punches.
Ag ~adh báistí, pouring rain.
Ag ~adh cainte, talking rapidly, volubly.
Ag ~adh lena chosa deiridh, flinging out his hind legs.
Ag ~adh is ag léimneach, frisking and jumping.
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