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spirited could be a grammatical form of: spirit »
Capall ~, spirited horse.
Tá sí lán d’~, she is full of life, high-spirited.
Tá ~ sa chapall sin, that is a spirited horse.
Fear crua ~, a hardy and spirited man.
Tá an ~ ann, he is mettlesome, spirited.
Fuadaíodh as é, he was spirited away (as by fairies).
~ a bheith ionat, to be bold, spirited, self-assured.
Capall ~, fast, spirited, horse.
Is é an duine ~ é, he is such a mean-spirited person.
Tugadh as é, (i) he was spirited away (as by the fairies), (ii) ‘he was here before’, he is a changeling.
Ó théarnaigh uainn an buachaill beo, since the spirited lad departed from us.
~adh as é, he was spirited away; he is very precocious.
Capall ~, spirited horse.
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