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sprochaille, f. (gs. ~, pl. -llí). 1. (a) Gill, wattle, dewlap. ~ coiligh, gill of cock. ~ turcaí, wattle of turkey. ~ coilm, jewing. ~ bó, dewlap of cow. Tá ~ air, he has a double chin. (b) Ich: Barbel. 2. Loose, baggy, skin. Sprochaillí faoi na súile, bags under the eyes. ~ de phus, protruding mouth; sulky expression. 3. Excrescence; wart, tumour. ~ (cneá), proud-flesh. 4. Projection, spur. ~ ar charraig, projection on rock. 5. ~ (sróine), snot. 6. Person with loose flesh. (Var: sprochall f)
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