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taithí could be a grammatical form of: taithigh »
taithí, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of taithigh. 2. Frequentation, resort. ~ áite, na sacraimintí, frequentation of a place, of the sacraments. 3. Habit; practice, experience. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to have experience of sth. Dul i d~ ruda, to become accustomed to sth. ~ ruda a thabhairt do dhuine, to habituate s.o. to sth. Tá sé ag déanamh ~ de, he is making a practice of it. Níl siad i d~ na hoibre go fóill, they are not familiar with the work yet. As ~, out of practice.
Áit a thaithí, to resort to a place.
Taithí le duine, to consort with s.o.
Rud a thaithí, taithí le rud, to become accustomed to sth.
Na suáilcí a thaithí, to cultivate the virtues.
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