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In ~aí an bháis, in the throes of death.
In ~eacha an bháis, in the throes of death.
~ an bháis, the throes of death.
Ag saothrú an bháis, in the throes of death.
Ag tabhairt na g~, twisting and turning; writhing, squirming; in the throes of death.
Tá sé sna croití deireanacha, he is in the throes of death.
I g~ tinnis, fiabhrais, in the throes of sickness, of fever.
Sna gáinní báis, (i) in the throes of death, (ii) at top speed.
~ an bháis, death-throes.
6. Bheith ag saothrú an bháis, to be in the throes of death.
I d~ an bháis, in the throes of death.
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