togh-2, pref. Electoral.
togh1, v.t. & i. (pp. tofa). 1. Choose, select. Foireann a thoghadh, to pick a team. Thogh sí culaith dheas di féin, she picked out a nice dress for herself. An áit a thogh sé lena theach a thógáil, the place he chose for building his house. ~ an ceann is fearr leat, pick out the one you like best. 2. Elect. ~adh ina uachtarán é, he was elected president. 3. Sort, gather. Prátaí a thoghadh, (i) to sort potatoes, (ii) to gather potatoes.
D’ól mé é ~ ba é an togha é, I drank it and it was first class.
Is é an díogha, an togha, an scoth, é, it is the worst, the choicest, the best.
Toghadh as a ~ é, he was chosen from among them.
~ agus togha na bhfíonta, the choicest wines.
An togha agus an ~, the best and the worst.
~ duine, ruda, excellent person, thing.
Fuair mé ~ na haire, I got the best of care.
Tá ~ na sláinte aige, he is in the pink of health.
Is den ~ é, it is first-class.
Ná ceannaigh ach an ~, buy only the best.
~ agus rogha, pick and choice.
Is iad ~ agus rogha na tíre iad, they are the best in the land.
~ ceirde, choice of occupation.
~ dathanna, selection of colours.
~ teachtaí, election of deputies.