airí1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~onna). Symptom; attribute, characteristic, property.
airí2, f. (gs. ~). (In phrases) Airgead, prátaí, etc., na h~, plenty of money, of potatoes, etc.
airí3, f. (gs. ~). 1. Desert. An rud is ~ air, what he deserves. Is maith an ~ air é, he deserves it well. Ní hé is ~ air, it is not what he deserves. Más ~ air é, if he deserves it. ~ an mhagaidh, laughing-stock. Is ~ sheachanta é, he is one to be avoided. 2. Deserving person.
airí4 : aire3.
airí5, gsf. & comp. of aireach1.