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Seans gur foirm é airgid de: airgead »
airgid :airgead.
Chaith sé a chuid airgid le h~ an tsaoil, he spent his money on pleasure.
Tháinig sé ag iarraidh airgid orm, he came to ask me for money.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh é a cheannach ~ gan mórán airgid aige, he was trying to buy it although he had little money.
Thug sé ~ dá chuid airgid, he saved his money.
~ air féin, ar a chuid airgid, careful of himself, of his money.
Fáinne airgid, silver ring.
Fear airgid, a rich man.
Leabhar, cuntas, airgid, cash book, account.
Ordú airgid, money order.
Pinginí (beaga) airgid, a little money.
An bhfuil aon phingin airgid agat? Have you any money?
Ag carnadh airgid, making heaps of money.
An ~ chéanna airgid, the same amount of money.
Bhí sé ~ lena chuid airgid, leis an ól, he was over-generous with his money, with drink.
Tá ~ airgid aige, he has a lot of money.
~ airgid, stampaí, collection of money, stamps.
~ óir, airgid, cruach, gold, silver, steel, ingot.
~ airgid, cainte, too much money, talk.
Ná déan a bheag díot féin ag iarraidh airgid air, don’t demean yourself by asking him for money.
~ airgid, bainc, iompair, láimhe, money-, bank-, way-, hand-, bill.
Chuir sé ~ ar a chuid airgid, he put his money to good use.
~ airgid, silver coin.
~ mhine, airgid, handful of meal, money.
~ airgid, guail, seod, snaoise, money-, coal-, jewel-, snuff-, box.
Má tá aon bhrabach airgid agat, if you have any money to spare.
Suim bhreá airgid, good sum of money.
~ airgid, small change.
Bheith i m~ airgid, to be in pressing need of money.
Tá ~ beag airgid aige, he has a little money put together.
~ airgid, principal sum of money.
~ airgid, money put by, nest-egg.
Tá ~ mo chuid airgid caite, nearly all my money is spent.
Chaith sé ~ a chuid airgid, he spent the bulk of his money.
~ airgid, help in money, subsidy.
Tá ~ an airgid, an léinn, air, he is reputed to be wealthy, learned.
Bhí ~ airgid leis, he had a decent sum of money with him.
~ airgid, loss of money.
Tá ~ airgid aige, he has loads of money.
~ airgid, money-spender.
~ airgid, spending of money; waste of money.
~ airgid, pile of money.
Ag ~adh airgid, making piles of money.
~ airgid, céille, lack of money, of sense.
~ (chun) airgid, greed for money.
~ cloch, gainimh, airgid, heap of stones, of sand, of money.
Tháinig sé faoi choinne an airgid, he came to get the money.
~ airgid, money token.
Tá a chomhoiread (airgid) agat liom, you have as much (money) as I have.
~ airgid, bits of money, meagre sum of money.
~ airgid, craolacháin, draenála, iompair, oideachais, currency, broadcasting, drainage, transport, educational, system.
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