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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: áitithe · airthe · áithe · dairithe · iaithe
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Seans gur foirm é áirithe de: áirí » · áirí » · áirigh »
áirithe1, f. (gs. ~). 1. Certainty, surety. Níl aon ~ agam air, I have no assurance of it. Ise an ~ is fearr dom, she is my best security. Lámh ar ~, undertaking assured of success. Prov: Is fearr ~ na srathrach ná iasacht na diallaite, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Ba é sin eagla na h~ dó, that was a very real fear with him. 2. Certain quantity. An ~ chéanna airgid, the same amount of money. ~ aimsire ina dhiaidh sin, a certain time after that. Cad é an ~ de bhlianta a chaith sé ann? How many years exactly did he spend there? Níl agam ach an ~ seo, I have only so much. (As a.) Is ~ go, it is certain that. 3. Allotment, portion. Níl mórán ~ aige, air, he is not very well off. Bean a bhfuil ~ aici, a woman who has a dowry. Fuair siad ~ mhaith uaim, I treated them generously. 4. D’~, in ~, allotted, certain. Tá an bás d’~ ag gach aon duine, everybody is fated to die. Tá an ghlóir d’~ acu, they are assured of glory. Níl a fhios ag duine cad é atá in ~ dó, no man knows what is in store for him. Is cosúil go raibh siad in ~ dá chéile, it seems they were fated for each other. Tá tú in ~ do bhuailte, you are in for a hiding. Tá an mhias sin in ~ a briste, that dish is sure to get broken. 5. In ~, reserved, engaged. Suíochán a chur in ~, to book a seat. Culaith a chur in ~, to bespeak a suit. Tá an t-airgead sin in ~ don chíos, that money has been set aside to pay the rent. S.a. acht1 4.
áirithe2, a3. 1. pp. of áirigh. 2. Certain, particular. Duine ~, a certain person. Lá ~, (on) a certain day. Tráthanna ~ den bhliain, (at) certain times of the year. An fear sin go h~, that man in particular. Go h~ má, especially if. Ach go h~, anyway, at any rate. 3 : áireamh.
áirithe3 : áirí1.
D’~ is d’áirithe, ever and always, constantly.
Níorbh áirithe ar thug sé dúinn, what he gave us was not worth mentioning.
Sin é atá áirithe dó, so it is reckoned.
~ coiteann agus áirithe, general and particular judgment.
Tá ~aí áirithe le réiteach, there are certain difficulties to be resolved.
Rud a dhéanamh ar dhóigh áirithe, to do sth. in a certain way.
I measc ~anna áirithe, in certain circles.
In áirithe do dhuine eile, reserved for another person.
Taobh ~ d’achar áirithe, within a certain time.
Aontaím leat ar phointí áirithe, I agree with you on certain points.
Ach go háirithe lucht a thíresean, but especially the people of his country.
Aois áirithe a shlánú, to attain a certain age.
2. Aois áirithe a shroicheadh, to attain a certain age.
Ar thráthanna áirithe, at certain times.
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