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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: doigh · daigh · dáigh · déigh · digh
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
dóigh1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna).1. Way, manner; state, condition. (a) (Of method, manner) ~ oibre, method of working. Rud a dhéanamh ar dhóigh áirithe, to do sth. in a certain way. An ~ cheart lena dhéanamh, the right way to do it. Tá ~ air, there is a knack of doing it. An ~ a seasann sé, the way he stands. Tá ~ dheas chainte aige, he has a nice way of speaking. Sa ~ go, in such a way that. Ar mo dhóigh féin, in my own way. Ar an ~ seo, in this way. Ar dhóigh éigin, somehow. Ar aon ~, ar dhóigh ar bith, anyhow; (with neg.) nohow. Ar dhóigh nó ar dhóigh eile, in one way or another. Níl sé cosúil leat ar dhóigh na ndóigheanna, he is not like you in any way whatsoever, by any manner of means. Sa ~ sin de, as far as that is concerned. (b) (Of mannerism) Sin (an) ~ atá aige, that is his manner. Tá ~eanna aisteacha aige, he has peculiar ways, mannerisms. (c) (Of circumstances) ~ bheatha, shaolta, way of living, of life. Tá ~ mhaith orthu, they are in good circumstances. Chuir sé ~ mhaith air féin, he fixed himself up well. Is breá an ~ atá oraibh, you have a fine time of it. Tá ~ duine uasail air, he lives like a gentleman. Níl mo dhóigh ar rí, I would not change places with a king. Cad é an ~ atá ort? How are you (situated)? Tá sé tuirseach dá dhóigh, he is tired of his way of life, of his situation. Duine a chur thar a dhóigh, to upset s.o. Bheith gan ~, to be in a poor way; to be without self-respect. D’imigh sé gan ~, he went to the bad. (d)~ a chur ar rud, to fix sth. Do dhóigh féin a chur ar rud, to put one’s own construction on sth. Tá a dhóigh féin aige ar an scéal, he tells the story to suit himself. (e)Ar ~, real, proper, excellent. Duine, rud, ar ~, wonderful person, thing. Bhí oíche ar ~ againn, we had a great night. (f)Ar ~, ar dhóigh, go, in order, so, that. 2. Means, opportunity. ~ a fháil ar rud, to get a chance to do sth.
dóigh2, f. (gs. ~e).1. Hope, expectation; trust, confidence. Do dhóigh a chur i nduine, i rud, to set one’s hopes on s.o., sth. Tá ~ agam (go), I am confident (that). An fear ar mhó ~ daoine as, the man from whom people expected most. I n~ go ndéanfadh Dia trócaire air, hoping that God would have mercy on him. 2. Source of expectation; likely subject, mark. (a)~ a dhéanamh de rud, to take sth. for granted. (b)~ déirce, person likely to give alms, generous almsgiver. Is maith an ~ mná é, he is a good catch for a woman. Is olc an ~ cruithneachta an sliabh, the mountain is not a very likely place for wheat. (c)~ magaidh, butt for ridicule. Ní haon ~ an fear sin, that man is not to be trifled with. Ní ~ agat mise, you will not find me an easy mark. S.a. andóigh 2, freastail1 2. 3. (a) Likelihood; supposition, certainty. De mo dhóigh, in my opinion. (b)Dar n~, ar n~, of course. Ar n~ níl neart air, sure it can’t be helped. 4. (Used adjectivally with copula, comp. dóiche) Likely, probable. An rud is ~ le duine, what one thinks likely. Is ~ liom (go), I am of opinion (that). Is ~ gur fíor é, it is probably true. Ní ~ go dtiocfaidh sé, he is unlikely to come. Is ~ é, it is probably so. Tá, is ~, it is, I suppose. An rud is dóiche éirí dó, the likeliest thing to happen to him. An áit is dóiche aige, the likeliest place for him. Is tú is dóiche, ba dhóiche, it is, would be, just like you; it would be just your luck. (Var:comp. of 4:~chí)
dóigh3, conj. Lit: For, since, because. ~ is rí é, for he is a king. ~ is liom é, because it is mine. ~ níor bheannaigh sé iad, for he did not bless them.
dóigh4, v.t. & i. (pres. dónn, fut. dófaidh, vn. dó, pp. -ite). 1. Burn; sear, scorch. Rud a dhó sa tine, to burn sth. in the fire. Teach a dhó, to burn (down) a house. Gual, ola, a dhó, to burn coal, oil. Coinneal a dhó, to burn a candle. Talamh a dhó, to burn, scorch, earth. Do mhéara a dhó, to burn one’s fingers. Rud a dhó le hiarann, to brand sth. with iron. Corp a dhó, to cremate a body. Dhóigh an ghrian, an sioc, iad, the sun, the frost, burned, seared, them. Dhóigh sé an goile ionam, it burned up my stomach. Dhóigh sé an croí ionam, it seared, embittered, my heart. Tá an choinneal ag dó léi, the candle is burning away. Dhóigh an bolgán, an fiús, the bulb, the fuse, burned out, blew. Dhóigh sí an t-arán, she burned the bread. Fig:Dódh é, he burned his fingers. Prov:Bíonn eagla ar an té a dhóitear, a burnt child dreads the fire. S.a. gearb 1. 2. An lá a dhó, to spend the day idly. 3. Games: Put out. (Var:pres. ~eann)
A haon, a dó, a trí, one, two, three.
Séamas a Dó, James the Second.
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
Agus a dhaoire a chosain siad dó, considering how dearly they cost him.
Tá sé in ~, is ~ dó, teach a cheannach, he can afford to buy a house.
Is iontach an ~ a tháinig dó, he took such a peculiar notion.
Is dóigh go raibh rud éigin uaidh ~ é a theacht anseo, he probably wanted something, seeing that he came here.
Thug sé a oiread dó ~ a shásaigh é, he gave him enough to satisfy him.
~ dhóite, cinder.
Tá sé dóite ina ~, it is burnt to a cinder.
Thug sé ~ dó féin, he committed suicide.
Brian is ~ dó, his name is Brian.
Cá h~ é? Cá h~ dó? Cad is ~ dó? Cén t-~ atá air? What is his name?
Thug siad ~ na hoíche dó, they entertained him for the night.
Sin é atá áirithe dó, so it is reckoned.
Ba é sin eagla na h~ dó, that was a very real fear with him.
Níl a fhios ag duine cad é atá in ~ dó, no man knows what is in store for him.
Níorbh ~ dó é, it was no trouble to him.
Tabhair na hailt dó, hit him with the knuckles; box him.
Thug siad ~ crua dó, they made things hard for him.
Tá trua m’~a agam dó, from my heart I pity him.
Tá dóigh ~ orthu, they are in needy circumstances.
Dóigh agus ~ a chuardach, to leave no stone unturned.
Tá an focal sin ag déanamh angaidh dó, that word is rankling in his mind.
Nuair a tháinig ~ dó, when he grew up.
Thug sé ~ dó féin, he exposed himself to hardship.
Íocfaidh siad a h~ is a dó as, they will pay dearly for it.
Tá dóigh mhaith oraibh anseo, you are in a good way here.
D’~ sé ar tharla dó, he related all that happened to him.
A haon as a dó, one from two.
Níor dhóigh sé siúd an ~ riamh, that fellow ‘never burned the old milking-place’, never made an unwise move.
Ní dhéanfaidh tú ar a ~ de dhóigh é, you will not (be able to) do it in any other way.
Ní bhacfadh sin dó é a dhéanamh, that would not prevent him from doing it.
Ní bhainim dó, I don’t touch it (drink, etc.).
Gan ~t dó sin, apart from that.
Bhain taisme dó, he met with an accident.
Cad a bhain dó? What happened to him?
Bhain amhras dó, he became suspicious.
~ dóite, burn.
Thug mé ~ dó, I made a guess at it.
Dá mbuaileadh sé mé, rud nár bhaol dó, had he beaten me, which he wouldn’t, couldn’t, do.
Ní raibh ~ dó cuidiú a bheith aige, it was well for him that he had help.
Thug mé ~ aithne dó, I guessed his identity.
Ná déan deimhin, dóigh, scéal, de do bharúil, do not jump to conclusions.
Thug sé lán an bhata dó, he laid into him with the stick; he was quite a match for him.
Tá dóigh bheag bhocht orthu, they are in a poor way.
Tabhair cead an bhealaigh dó, let him have his way, do as he pleases.
Tá bealaí (beaga) dó féin aige, he has his own (little) peculiarities.
Tabhair mo bheannacht dó, cuir mo bheannacht chuige, give him my kind regards.
Mar ba bhéas dó, leis, as was his wont.
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