Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: point · pointed · pointer · pointy · péint
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
pointe, m. (gs. ~, pl. -tí). Point. 1. Dot. ~ deachúil, decimal point. A haon ~ a dó, one point two. 2. (a) Precise spot, stage. ~ cothromaíochta, point of balance. ~ tadhaill, point of contact of tangent. ~ teagmhála, junction. ~ trasnaithe, intersection. ~ briste, breaking-point. ~ fiuchta, boiling-point. ~ imeachta, starting-point. ~ loicthe, stalling-point. Mth:~ scoite, discrete point. ~ teorann, limiting point. (b) Precise moment. Ag an b~ sin, at that point. D’imigh sé ar an b~, he left on the dot; he went off immediately. Ar an b~ boise, instantly. 3. Extreme point, extremity. I b~ an anama, on the point of death. Ag na pointí deiridh, in the last extremities. Is géar an ~ atá air, he is in great extremity. Ar an b~ is deise, is giorra, do, within an ace of. 4. Particular, item; point of argument. ~ a lua, to mention a point. ~ ar phointe, point by point. Pointí fánacha, trivial points. ~ amháin eile, one other point. ~ a ligean le duine, to concede a point to s.o. Aontaím leat ar phointí áirithe, I agree with you on certain points. Is é sin an ~ a bhí agam, that is the point I wanted to make. 5. Distinctive trait. Tá pointí maithe ann, he has his good points. Ní raibh pointí fir riamh ann, he never showed manly traits. 6. Tip. ~ platanaim, platinum point. 7. Geog: Headland. ~ tíre, point of land. An ~ is faide ó thuaidh den oileán, the most northerly point of the island. 8. Point of compass, direction. As gach uile phointe, from all parts. 9. Aut:Na pointí a cheartú, to adjust the points. 10. Sp:Bua ar phointí, a win on points. ~ a chur, to score a point. 11. Start. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a start at sth. 12. Bí ar do phointí air, be on your guard against him.
~ láithreach, ar an bpointe, right now, immediately.
~ na naoi bpointe, nine-point circle.
~ ag an bpointe sin, just at that point.
Pointe nó dhó ~, one or two further points.
Luas, pointe, loicthe, stalling speed, point.
Na pointí a mharcáil, to plot the points.
Pointe ~, central point.
Fachtóir, pointe, nialais, zero factor, point.
Pointe ordaithe, point of order.
Pointe ~, sample point.
Pointe ~, fixed point.
Pointe tadhaill, point of contact.
Marc, pointe, tagartha, reference mark, point.
Táimid pointe chun tosaigh, we are leading by a point.
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