Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ban · bán · ben · bin · bua
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
bun1, m. (gs. buin, pl. ~anna). 1. Base, bottom. ~ cnoic, base of hill. ~ cruaiche, bottom, lower part, of stack. ~ ordóige, base of thumb. ~ teanga, root of tongue. ~ na spéire, the horizon. ~ barr; ó bhun go barr, from top to bottom, completely. Is é a bhun is a bharr é go, the fact of the matter is that. Is é sin ~ agus barr mo scéil, that is the whole of my story. Níl ~ ná barr air, it is pointless, meaningless. An rud atá sa bhun bhán (tá sé sa bharr ghlas), what is bred in the bone comes out in the flesh. An ceann buin, the one at the bottom. ~ os cionn = bunoscionn. S.a. ceathrú1 1(h). 2. Stock, stump. ~ aitinn, stump of furze. ~ cabáiste, stalk of cabbage. ~ coinnle, stub of candle. ~ slaite, thick end of rod. ~ gunna, stock of gun. ~ toitín, cigarette butt. ~ scine, butt of knife. 3. Lower end. ~ staighre, leapa, foot of stairs, of bed. ~ sráide, bottom of street. ~ liosta, ranga, bottom of list, of class. ~ bríste, leg-end of trousers. ~ na cluaise, lobe of ear. Thit sé i m~ a chos, he collapsed. ~ abhann, mouth of river. ~ locha, lower end, outlet, of lake. ~ toinne, low-water mark. ~ na dtrí n-uisce, the confluence of three streams. 4. Extremity. ~ cúrsa, turais, rása, end of course, of journey, of race. Tá sé ag ~, i m~, a fháis, a mhéide, he is fully grown. 5. Basis, origin. ~ scéil, basis of story. ~ a thabhairt le rud, to give source, authority, for sth. Rud a chur le ~, to seek out the origin of sth. Labhairt le ~, to speak with authority; to talk sense. Caint gan bhun, baseless talk. Siar go ~, back to source. Tá ~ fírinne leis, it is based on fact. Tá sé ina bhun rúin acu, it is a secret matter between them. Tá ~ agus údar agam leis, I can give source and authority for it. S.a. angar 2. 6. Basic provision. ~ airgid, principal sum of money. ~ agus biseach, principal and interest. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, in aghaidh ruda, to make provision for, against, sth. Níor phós sé go raibh ~ déanta aige, he did not marry until he had some savings made. Chuir sé ~ air féin, he set himself up. Is maith an ~ é, it is a good beginning, sth. to be going on with. Tusa a chuir ~ leis, you started it. Fear gan bhun, a man of no substance. Níl ~ ar bith sa tír acu, they have no stake in the country. Tá a ~ is a cíoradh uirthi, she has to fend for herself. 7. Settled state. Tá ~ ar an aimsir, the weather is settled. Tá an lá, an stoirm, ag dul ar ~, the day, the storm, is setting in properly. Rinne an ghaoth ~ thoir, the wind settled in the east. Tháinig ~ ar an scéim, the scheme materialized. Fad is a bhí ~ ortha, whilst they were established, on their feet. 8. Source, direction. ~ na gaoithe, quarter from which wind is blowing. Tá ~ na gaoithe glan, the sky is clear to windward. 9. Trace. ~ ruda, duine, a chur, to inquire into sth., after s.o. A bhun is a lorg a chur, to trace the why and the wherefore of it. Níor chuir mé a bhun ná a lorg, I made no effort to trace it, made no inquiry whatever about him. 10. Ar ~, established. Gnó, scoil, a chur ar ~, to establish a business, a school. Troid a chur ar ~, to get up a fight. Cad é atá ar ~? What’s going on? An bhfuil dada ar ~ anocht agaibh? Have you anything on tonight? 11. De bhun, on foot of, in pursuance of. De bhun an ordaithe seo, in pursuance of this order. De bhun tola, willingly; deliberately. 12. Faoi bhun, beneath. Faoi bhun an bhalla, an chrainn, beneath, at the foot of, the wall, the tree. Faoi bhun pingine, under a penny. Ní raibh aon duine faoi bhun easpaig ann, there was no one of lesser rank than a bishop there. Ní fheadar faoi bhun Dé, I don’t know under God. Dul faoi bhun duine i margadh, to undercut s.o. in a deal. Faoi bhun é a dhéanamh mé féin, short of doing it myself. 13. I m~, attending to, engaged in, abiding by. Dul i m~ oibre, to set to work. I m~ an tí, an linbh, attending to the house, the child. Duine a chur i m~ ruda, to put s.o. in charge of sth. Cuir i m~ a ghnó é, set him about his business. Fear i m~ a fhocail é, he is a man who keeps his word. D’fhan sé i m~ a mháthar, he stayed to take care of his mother. Fan i m~ na fírinne, abide by the truth. Níl sé ina bhun sin, it is not confined to that. Beidh mé ina bhun duit, I shall be obliged to you for it. Suí i m~ duine, to take advantage of s.o. Bheith i m~ rud a dhéanamh, (i) to be engaged in doing sth. (ii) to intend to do sth. S.a. bacán1 3. 14. Cards: Score required to win game. 15. ~ ribe, carbuncle at root of hair.
bun-2, pref. (Lenites b, c, f, g, m, p). 1. Basic, primary, elementary. 2. Low-sized. 3. Medium. 4. Fairly old. 5. Nearly. ~déanta, nearly done.
Tá bun ar an ~, the weather is settled.
~ ag bun na spéire, out at the horizon.
Go bun an angair, to the bitter end.
Fágadh mise i mbun an bhacáin, I was left holding the baby.
Bun na spéire a bhreathnú, to scan the horizon.
Bhreathnaigh sé ó bhun go barr mé, he looked me up and down, examined me all over.
Chaith an obair bliain ar bun, the work lasted a year.
Ní raibh barr ~ isteach ná bun ~ amach, everything was perfectly arranged; there wasn’t a hair out of place.
Chreathnaigh sé ó bhun go barr, he trembled all over with fear.
Bun na dtrí g~, where three boundary lines meet.
Tá sé ~ i mbun gnóthaí, he is a shrewd business man.
Chuardaigh siad an teach ó bhun go barr, they searched the house from top to bottom.
Tóg faoi bhun do chúraim é, take it easy.
Chomh ~ le carraig, le bun crainn, le bianna ar mhaide bacaigh, as firm as a rock, as a tree-stump, as the ferrule on a beggar’s staff.
Lón, bun maith, an cíos, a dhéanamh, to make provision, a good beginning, the rent.
Dhearg sé go bun na gcluas, he blushed up to the ears.
Go ~ i mbun a ghnó, diligently attending to his business.
Tá sé ~te ó bhun go barr, he is spattered all over with mud.
~ ag bun na spéire, a patch on the horizon.
Rud a ghearradh (amach, aníos) ón ~, ó bhun na ~e, to cut sth. right down to the stump.
Chuir an tarbh an adharc go bun na ~e, go filleadh ~e, ann, the bull stuck his horn right into him.
D’fhan sé i mbun a ghnó, he carried on with his business.
bhun an bhalla, underneath the wall.
Tá sé ~ bhun a mhéide, he is not fully grown.
Tá sé i mbun a fháis, he is fully grown.
Fanacht i mbun na ~, to confine oneself to the truth.
Duine a chur go bun na ~, to try s.o.’s patience.
I mbun an ghéill, on the under-jaw.
~ a chur ar bun, to start a business.
I mbun na cruaiche, at the foot of the rick.
Tá sé i mbun a chuid oibre, he is attending to his work.
Tá sé i mbun a mhéide, he is fully grown.
~ an bun agus an barr, between the bottom and the top.
D’~ sé bun os cionn, it turned topsy-turvy.
An bhfuil an bun ~ fós? Is the game (of cards) still going on?
Thart le bun an chnoic, round the bottom of the hill.
Tá bun fírinne leis, it is based on fact.
Tá na néalta ag luí ag bun na spéire, the clouds are settling low on the horizon.
Ná bí ~ ina bhun, keep your wits about you while you are doing it.
Fanacht i mbun na ~a, to keep within reasonable bounds.
Tá sé i mbun a mhéide, he is fully grown.
~ an long ag bun na spéire, the ship appeared on the horizon.
Ghlaoigh sé orm ó bhun an staighre, he called me from the bottom of the stairs.
Ó bhun go barr, from top to bottom.
Tá ~ ar bun aige, he is up to mischief.
Faoi bhun ~, under proof.
An té atá i mbun a ~tha, the person who is serving it out.
Bun ~, tinneas bhun ribe, carbuncle.
Duine a bhualadh faoi bhun an ~, to hit s.o. in the pit of the stomach.
Tá bun na cruaiche ~the ag na francaigh, the rats have gnawed the bottom of the stack to shreds.
Borróg uachtair, cream bun.
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