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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ban · án · -án · · báb
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
bán1, m. (gs. báin, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. White. Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you. Chuirfeadh sé an dubh ina bhán ort, he would persuade you that black was white. 2. ~ na súl, albinism.
bán2, m. (gs. báin, pl. ~ta). 1. Lea; grassland. ~ta na Mí, the grassy plains of Meath. 2. Uncultivated land. S.a. pocaire12(a), preabaire 2.
bán3, a1. 1. White. Teach, hata, capall, ~, white house, hat, horse. ~ ná riabhach, ~ ná dearg, at all. Airgead ~, silver money. S.a. bád, binn14, cailín 4, canónach, dáthabha, dubh23, feoil 1. 2. White-headed. (Hypocoristic) Mo chailín, mo leanbh, ~, my darling girl, child. S.a. buachaill 1. 3. Fair. Gruaig bhán, fair hair. 4. Pale. Aghaidh bhán, pale, pallid, face. D’éirigh sé ~ sa ghnúis, his face blanched. 5. Albinotic. 6. (Of speech) Tá béal ~ aige, he is fair-spoken, plausible. S.a. béal 1(b).7. Tá an lá ~ ann, it is clear day. Sa, leis an, lá ~, in broad daylight. 8. Sioc ~, hoar-frost. 9. Blank. Leathanach ~, blank page. 10. Empty. Tá an teach, an áit, ~, the house, the place, is deserted. 11. Idle. Ógánaigh ag imeacht ~, youths going around indolent, becoming wastrels. Ní ~ dom trácht air, I ought to mention it. 12. Wild, crazy. Tá sé imithe ~ ina diaidh, he is gone crazy after her. 13. Talamh ~, fallow land; lea, grass-land.
bán4 = bábhún.
bán5 = bánaigh1.
Bán, dubh, san ~, pale-, dark-, faced.
~t idir an dubh agus an bán, idir an mhaith agus an t-olc, to know black from white, right from wrong.
Tá an talamh ~ bán, the land is lying fallow.
~ bán, donn, white, brown, sauce.
~ bán, geal, white bread; baker’s bread.
~ bán, white water-lily.
An ~ bán, the emigrant ship.
Cuir an bháin ar an gcuntar, put your silver on the counter.
Chuir mé cluiche agus bhí mé dhá phingin sa bháin, I got a game and was owed twopence from the kitty.
An tír ag dul i m~, chun ~, the country becoming waste, depopulated.
~ bán, white homespun cloth.
Fear an bháinín (bháin), the Connemara labourer.
~ bán, purulent eruption from over-ripe grain or potato.
Tá ~ bán ar an lá, the day is dawning.
~ bán, soft talk.
~ bán a dhéanamh le duine, a thabhairt do dhuine, to softsawder s.o.
Deartháir don bhréag an ~ bán, flattery is akin to falsehood.
~ bán, polar bear.
~ de chaoirigh bána, two white sheep.
Dul don bhinn bhán, to go to bed.
~ bán, whitebeam.
~ bán na Bealtaine, hawthorn blossom, May.
~ bán na bprátaí, potato blossom.
Tá ~ bán ar gharraí an iascaire, the sea is flecked with foam.
Is í ~ bán na tíre í, she is the fairest in the land.
Tá ~ bán an bháis air, he has a deathly pallor.
Níl a leithéid faoin m~ bán, there is nothing like it under the sun.
~ (bán), (silver) groat.
Níl ~ bán agam, I haven’t a penny.
2. ~ plúir, bán, white sauce.
~ bhán, dhubh, náisiúnta, sheolta, white, black, national, sailing, flag.
Bráithre Bána, White Friars, Carmelites.
Bráithre bána, (i) white-crested waves, (ii) grubs of bees.
~ bán, white homespun.
~ bán, fair-haired boy; favourite son.
Na Buachaillí Bána, the Whiteboys.
~ bán, bog-cotton.
An rud atá sa bhun bhán (tá sé sa bharr ghlas), what is bred in the bone comes out in the flesh.
~ bán, stoat.
Caisleáin bhána ar an spéir, an accumulation of white clouds in the sky, on the horizon.
~ glas, bán, green, white (-hearted), cabbabge.
~ bhán, fulmar petrel.
C~ Bán, Agaistíneach, White, Augustinian, Canon.
5. Capaill bhána, white horses, crested waves.
Gan ‘~ dubh’ ná ‘~ bán’ a rá leis, not to say anything (acrimonious) to him.
~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair).
~ bán, dlúth, modartha, white, thick, murky, fog.
~ bán, white cockade.
~ bhán, white stork.
~ bán, white groat.
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