aer1, m. (gs. aeir). 1. Air. ~ glan, salach, pure, polluted, air. ~ úr na maidine, fresh morning air. ~ na hoíche, the night air. ~ na farraige, an tsléibhe, sea, mountain, air. An t-~ os ár gcionn, the air above us. Athrach, malairt, aeir, change of air. ~ a chur i, a ligean as, rud, to inflate, deflate, sth. Léim a thabhairt (in airde) san ~, to jump into the air. Thuas, in airde, san ~, up in the air. Amuigh faoin ~, outdoors, in the open air. Tá ~ beag gaoithe ann, there is a little breath of wind. Lig ~ na tine chugainn, let us get the heat of the fire (unobstructed). Caint san ~, nonsensical talk. Níl lá san ~ nach dtagann sé, he comes every single day. S.a. bonn1 5. 2. Sky. Tá an ghrian ar an ~, the sun is up. Tá na réaltaí ar an ~, the stars are out. Faoi bhéal an aeir, under the open sky. Duine a mholadh go h~, to praise s.o. to the skies. Prov:Ní leithne an t-~ ná an timpiste, accidents will happen. An t-amadán is mó idir ~ is uisce, the greatest fool on earth. An bhean is breátha a chuir a haghaidh le h~, the most beautiful woman ever born. Níor shéid aon lá as an ~ ba mheasa ná é, there never was a stormier day. Rud a chur in, san, ~, to blow sth. sky-high. Chaith sé in, san, ~ é, he threw it up, abandoned it. S.a. fál1 2. 3. Climate. Tá ~ na hÉireann tais, the Irish climate is humid. Measarthacht aeir, mildness of climate. 4. Gaiety, pleasure. ~ an tsaoil, the pleasures of the world. Ag imeacht le h~ an tsaoil, pleasure-seeking, leading a gay life. Chaith sé a chuid airgid le h~ an tsaoil, he spent his money on pleasure. Ag déanamh aeir dóibh féin, taking the air, enjoying themselves. ~ an bhaile mhóir, the gaiety of the city.
aer2, m. (gs. & npl. aeir, gpl. ~). Air, tune.
aer3, m. (gs. aeir). Wonder. Ag déanamh aeir agus iontais díobh, regarding them with wonder and surprise. Amharc aeir agus iontais, a scene of wonder and surprise. (As vn.) Ag ~ orainn, gazing (in wonder) at us.
aer4(a)(i)-, pref. Air-, aero-, aerial; pneumatic.
Aer ~ na maidine, the crisp air of the morning.
~ aeir, bus, éalaithe, mara, trádála, air, bus, escape, sea, trade, route.
~ den aer cumhra, a breath of fresh air.
~ an aeir, the vault of heaven.
~ aeir a fháil, to get a breath of air.
~ aeir, air pressure; atmospheric pressure.
~ aeir, aimsire, oppressive atmosphere, weather.
~ san aer, baseless talk, nonsense.
Tá a cheann san aer, sa spéir, aige, he holds his head (high) in the air.
Chomh ~ is atá tú beo, grian ar an aer, méara ort, cluas ar do leiceann, gob ar phréachán, púdar i nDoire, an Cháisc ar an Domhnach! As sure as anything!
Chuir siad leis an ól, le haer an tsaoil, é, they drove him to drink, to pleasure-seeking.
~ aeir, uisce, air-, water-, demon.
Na ceithre ~e (aer, uisce, tine, talamh), the four elements (air, water, fire, earth).
San aer ~, in the air above.
~ an aeir, na spéire, the birds of the air.
Éirí de léim (san aer), to jump up (into the air).
Éirí san aer, to rise into the air.
Amharc na tíre, aer na maidine, a fháil, to get a view of the country, the morning air.
Ní ~ go haer é, it is not an insuperable barrier.
I bhfirmimintí an aeir, in the high heavens.
Ní raibh ~ as an aer, the air was perfectly still.
Ar ~ san aer, floating about in the air.
Fraitheacha an aeir, na firmiminte, the vault of heaven.
Ghabh sé an liathróid san aer, he caught the ball in the air.
Aer a ghlanadh, to sweeten air.
~ an aeir, the vault of heaven, the upper regions.
Sliabh, aer, ~, hungry mountain, air.
Tá an ghrian ar an aer, ar an spéir, the sun is on high.
Fad is a bheidh ~ ar an aer, ag dul deiseal, ‘whilst the sun remains in the sky, on its course’, to the end of time.
Tá ocsaigin san aer, air contains oxygen.
In ~ na tíre, an aeir, in the centre of the country, in mid-air.
Ag imeacht le haer an tsaoil, leading a gay life.
~ san aer, sa spéir, up in the air, in the sky.
Ó ~ go huachtar an domhain, an aeir, from all regions of the earth, of the air.
Ag iomramh an aeir, (rhythmically) beating the air.
Tá an ghrian ag ísliú ar an aer, the sun is sinking low in the sky.
1. Aer, bia, gás, tine, ~, liquid air, food, gas, fire.
Ní leithne an t-aer ná an timpiste, an accident can happen anywhere under the sun.
~ amach an ghal, an t-aer, let the steam, the air, escape.
Aer, uisce, a ~ean as rud, to let air, water, out of sth.
Ag lonrú an aeir, illuminating the sky.
~ aeir, spéire, change of air.
Aer ~, still, oppressive, air.