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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: maláire · malar · malartú · altair · Máirt
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malairt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ). 1. Lit: Destruction. ~ choirp agus anama, ruination of body and soul. Bladh gan mhalairt, undying fame. 2. Change; alternative. ~ éadaigh, oibre, change of clothing, of work. ~ aeir, spéire, change of air. Ar mhalairt intinne, tuairime, of a different mind, opinion. Tá ~ saoil ann, times have changed. Go ~ saoil, until there is a new order of things, indefinitely. Tá a mhalairt de chúram orm, I have something else to attend to. Níl a mhalairt le déanamh agam, there is nothing else I can do. Is é a mhalairt a dúirt sé, he said quite the opposite. Tá sé ar mhalairt de scéal anois, now he has a different tale to tell. Ní raibh a mhalairt le fáil agam, there was nothing else I could get. Níor chuala mé a mhalairt, I heard nothing to the contrary. Ní iarrfainn a mhalairt, there is nothing I would like better. Ní raibh súil lena mhalairt agam, it was just as I expected. Níl fios a mhalairte acu, they don’t know any better. Ní hé do mhalairt a bhí ann, it was none other than yourself. Is fearr é ná a mhalairt, it is better than nothing. A mhalairt ar fad, quite the contrary. 3. Exchange, barter. ~ ruda a dhéanamh le duine, to exchange sth. with s.o. Déan ~ áite liom, swap places with me. Rud a fháil ar ~, to get sth. by way of a swap. Fuair mé ar mhalairt scine é, I got it in exchange for a knife. Déanaimis ~, let us swap. De, mar, mhalairt ar rud, in exchange for sth., in preference to sth. Thug siad ~ chainte dá chéile, they exchanged words. Earraí ag imeacht ar ~, goods being bartered. Fin: Bille, ráta, ~e, bill, rate, of exchange. S.a. aois1, meath1 2. (Var:gs. malarta, pl. ~eacha, malarta(cha))
Athrach, malairt, aeir, change of air.
Malairt ~e a dhéanamh, to exchange places.
Tá ~ chapall na comharsan, chapall na malairte, chapall na muintire, aige, he is as old as Methuselah.
Ar cairde, ar iasacht, ar malairt, on credit, on loan, in exchange.
~ cainníochta, costais, díolacháin, luchtaithe, malairte, bill of quantities, of costs, of sale, of loading, of exchange.
~ na malairte, the benefit of the exchange.
Cé ab fhearr é ná a mhalairt? Was it any better than anything else?
Fuair sé ~ na malairte, he got a fair exchange.
De dhíth a mhalairte, for want of anything else.
Ní dhlífinn a mhalairt díot, I would expect nothing else from you.
Malairt ~, unfair exchange.
Ní h~ dó a athrach, a mhalairt, he knows no better.
Ní ~fainn a mhalairt, I wouldn’t ask for any better.
Malairt d’~, different version.
Bhí ~ an mhargaidh, na malairte, na mullóige, orm, I got the worst of the bargain.
Malairt ~e, spare part.
Níor thaithigh sé a mhalairt, he was not used to anything else.
Níor thuar mé a mhalairt duit, I knew it would happen to you.
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