Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: tar · tua · tuair · tufar · tur
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
tuar1, m. (gs. -air, pl. ~tha).1. vn. of tuar4. 2. Sign, omen. (a)~ trócaire, augury of mercy. ~ cogaidh, portent of war. ~ tubaiste, foreboding of tragedy. ~ dea-aimsire, indication of good weather. ~ sláinte dó é, it is a sign that he is recovering his health. B’olc an ~ dúinn é, it was a bad omen for us. Rinne sé ~ agus tairngreacht air, he prophesied it and foretold the signs of its coming. Tháinig an ~ faoin tairngreacht, the prophecy was fulfilled. (b)~ ceatha, ~ báistí, rainbow.
tuar2, m. (gs. -air, pl. ~tha).1. (a) Dung, manure. ~ bó, capaill, cow-, horse-, dung. ~ na n-éan, the droppings of birds. F:~ cait is féasóg air! It’s all damned nonsense! (b) Manuring of land; manured land. 2. Cattle-field; sheep-run; pasture, lea. Na ba a chur don ~, to turn the cows out to pasture.
tuar3, m. (gs. -air, pl. ~tha). 1. vn. of tuar5. 2. Bleaching-green. Éadaí a chur ar ~, to put clothes out to bleach.
tuar4, v.t. (pp. ~tha). 1. Augur, forebode, presage. Ag ~ oilc, portending evil. Ag ~ báistí, showing signs of rain. Bhí sé á thuar dom, I had a foreboding of it. Tá sé á thuar le tamall, there have been indications of it for some time. Is fada mé á thuar, I have been predicting it this long time. Níor thuar mé a mhalairt duit, I knew it would happen to you. Tá mé ag ~ (go), I predict (that). 2. Deserve, merit. Is é a thuar tú duit féin, it is what you laid in store for yourself. Tá sé ag ~ tubaiste dó féin, he is courting disaster. Prov:~ an t-ádh agus tiocfaidh sé, every man is the architect of his own fortune. Tá tú ag ~! You’ll catch it!
tuar5, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Bleach; blanch, whiten. Éadach, líon, a thuar, to bleach cloth, flax. Bhí a gcnámha ag ~ san fhásach, their bones lay whitening in the wilderness. Tá cuma thuartha air, he has a washy appearance. 2. Season. (a) Dry by exposure. Tá an féar sin ~tha go maith anois, that hay is well saved by now. (b) Inure. Duine a thuar le haimsir, le hobair, to accustom s.o. to climate, to work. Níl siad ~tha leis an anró go fóill, they are not inured to hardships yet. (c) Sate, weary (de, with). Tá mé ~tha den bhia, den obair, seo, I have had enough of this kind of food, work. (Var:vn. ~adh m)
Chomh ~ le tuar ceatha, as bent as a rainbow, arched forward.
Chuir sí amach an t-éadach ar tuar, she put out the clothes to bleach.
(Na) gártha, tuartha, ~, shouts, signs, of welcome.
~ an chait (ar a thuar) a dhéanamh ar rud, to try to conceal the obvious; to do sth. in a cursory manner.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht