cáineadh, m. (gs. -nte, pl. -ntí). 1. vn. of cáin2. 2. Condemnation, censure. Saor ó cháineadh, free from blame. Tá a cháineadh tuillte aige, he stands condemned. Bhí caitheamh is ~ acu air, they attacked and reviled him. Ní beo duine i ndiaidh a cháinte, dishonour is worse than death.
Is minice an moladh aige ná an cáineadh, he is more given to praise than to blame.
~eadh punt, sa chúirt, é, he was fined a pound, in court.
Ag moladh agus ag ~eadh, praising and blaming.
Ag ~eadh daoine gan ábhar, ar chúl a gcinn, censuring people without cause, behind their backs.
Níl sé le ~eadh mar cheoltóir, he is not to be condemned, not bad, as a musician.
Bhí ~ is cáineadh acu air, they were casting aspersions on him.
Níl sa saol ach ~ is cáineadh, the world is full of censure.
~ buíochais, cáinte, vote of thanks, of censure.
Moladh, cáineadh, a thabhairt, to give praise, blame.
Achasán, cáineadh, contúirt, a tharraingt ar dhuine, to bring reproach, censure, danger, on s.o.