cáithnín, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Dim. of cáithne. 2. Small flake, particle. (a) ~í sneachta, hailstones. ~ tobac, tobacco flake. ~ deannaigh, speck of dust. ~ ime, particle of butter. (b) (As source of irritation) Tá ~ i mo shúil, there is a mote in my eye. Tá ~ éigin faoina fhiacail, (i) there is something gritty between his teeth, (ii) there is something irritating him. Ní mó liom é ná ~ faoi m’fhiacail, I regard it merely as a petty annoyance. Bhí sin ag déanamh ~ dó, that was disturbing him. Thug mise ~ dó, I set a poser for him. 3. (pl.) Goose-flesh. Tháinig ~í ar mo chraiceann, my flesh began to creep. ~í seaca, goose-flesh from frost. (Var: cáithneán m)