rith1, m. (gs. reatha, pl. rití). 1. vn. of rith2. 2. Run. (a) ~ rása, the running of a race. Tá ~ an rása leat, you have a clear run ahead of you, have surmounted your difficulties. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. run. Tá a ~ is a léim aige, he can run and jump, is in his full vigour. Ní dhéanfaidh tú de ~ ná de léim é, you can’t just rush headlong into it. ~ cinn le fána, downhill, headlong, rush. ~ searraigh, ‘foal’s run’, short impetuous run. Níl ann ach ~ searraigh, it is only a flash in the pan. Bhí ~ mhadra an dá cháis orm, I was running hither and thither to no purpose. Bhí mé faoi thrí ~ circe de, I was practically there. Prov:Ní bhíonn ~ maith ag gach each i gcónaí, it is a good horse that never stumbles. Prov: Is fearr ~ maith ná drochsheasamh, discretion is the better part of valour. S.a. bodach 1, cladach 1. (b) (With i and poss. pron.) Bhí mé i mo ~, I was running. Tháinig sé ina ~ chugainn, he came running to us. Chonaic mé thú i do ~ uathu, I saw you running away from them. Bhí an t-allas ina ~ leis, he was running with sweat. Tá an t-ádh ina ~ ort, you are extremely lucky. (c) Course, career. I dtús, i ndeireadh, a reatha, at the beginning, at the end, of his race. Do ~ baoise, your career of folly. Tá sé chun reatha, he is ready to make a start in life. (d) Free range. Bhí ~ na tíre acu, they had the run of the country. Tá ~ fada acu ar na sléibhte, they can roam far over the mountains. Tá ~ a bhéil is a theanga leis, he lets his tongue run loose. (e) Rapid flow. ~ mara, sea-flow; rush of tide. ~ abhann, run of tide in river-mouth. ~ cainte, flow of speech. (f) Med: Vet: ~ croí, palpitation. ~ fola, (i) bloody flux, dysentery, (ii) haemorrhage. An ~ gorm, form of diarrhoea (in children). An ~ buair, an ~ buan, scour. Chuir an bia borb ~ air, the rich food made his bowels run. (g) (Continuous) stretch, spell. ~ sonais, run of luck. ~ tinnis, spell of sickness. Rití fuachta, shivering spells. (h) ~ cúirte, court session. D’imigh ~ cúirte orm, I missed a court sitting. (i) Demand. ~ ar earraí, run on goods. (j) Slip, miss. ~ focail, slip of the tongue. Tháinig ~ dárach ar na ba an bhliain sin, the cows contracted contagious abortion that year. (k) Passage, enactment. ~ achta, rúin, the passing of an act, of a resolution. (l) (Of product) Quality. An chéad ~ plúir, first-quality flour. Níl agat ach an dara ~ díobh, the ones you have are only second-rate. (m) Sp: Run. Céad ~, one hundred runs. (n) I ~, in the course of, throughout. I ~ an lae, during, throughout, the day. I ~ an ama, all the time. I ~ mo shaoil, during my whole life. (o) Cuairt reatha, fleeting visit. Cuntas reatha, current account. Feamainn reatha, drifting seaweed. Greim reatha, stitch in side from running. Scéal reatha, current rumour. Lámhscríbhneoireacht reatha, cursive handwriting. Troid reatha, running fight. Uisce reatha, running water. S.a. aga1 2, airgead 2, cloch11(c), feochadán, gaineamh, léim1 2(a), réalta1 1. ruagaire 2. snaidhm1 1(a).(Var: f. pl. ~e)
rith2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~, pp. rite). Run. 1. (a)~ i rás, to run in a race. Ag ~ go dian, running hard. (b) Hurry. ~ abhaile, to run home. ~ sé leis an scéala chugainn, he ran to tell us the news. ~ mé anonn chucu tamall, I ran over to them for a while. Caithfidh mé ~, I must hurry. (c) Move freely. Ag ~ timpeall, running around. Bíonn siad ag ~ thart cosnochta, they run about barefoot. (d) Nau: ~ le gaoth, to run before the wind. (e) Flow freely. Uisce ag ~, water running. Fuil ag ~ i gcuislí, blood running in veins. Ag ~ (anuas) leis na ballaí, flowing down the walls. (f) Spread quickly. Chuir sé cáithníní ag ~ ar mo chraiceann, it made my flesh creep. ~ an focal ó bhéal go béal, the word spread from mouth to mouth. (g) (Of colour) Diffuse. Dath a ~eann, a colour that runs. ~ na dathanna ina chéile, the colours fused. (h) (Of plant) Trail. (i) Extend. An áit a bhfuil na carraigeacha ag ~ amach san fharraige, where the rocks run out into the sea. An ceantar mar a ~eann, the district throughout its whole extent. (j) Be current. Ní ~eann an réal feasta, the sixpenny bit is no longer current. (k) Be operative. Cibé áit a ~eann an barántas, wherever the warrant runs. Na breitheanna le ~ i gcomhthráth, the sentences to run concurrently. Conradh a bhfuil bliain le ~ aige, a contract which has a year to run. (l) (Of knot, rope) Slip. ~ an tsnaidhm, the knot slipped. (m) Run out. Go dtí gur ~ an púdar, until the powder ran out. Tá ár lón rite, our supply is exhausted. Bhí a théarma rite, his term had run its course. (n) (Of thought) ~ sé liom, chugam (go), it occurred to me (that). ~ sé isteach i m’aigne, it ran through my mind. An chéad fhocal a ~ ina bhéal, chun an bhéil chuige, the first word that came to his lips. 2. (a) (With cognate object) Rás a ~, to run a race. ~ sé míle, he ran a mile. ~ siad a seal, they ran their course. (b) Course. Capall, cú, a ~, to course a horse, a greyhound. (c) Control, manage. Áit, gnó, scoil, rince, a ~, to run a place, a business, a school, a dance. (d) Pass, enact. Bille, rún, a ~, to pass a bill, a resolution. (e) Process. Poitín a ~, to make a run of poteen. Ritear an fheamainn ina ceilp, the seaweed is converted into kelp. (f) Cards: Cluiche a ~, to jink a game. (g)Paisinéirí a ~, to carry passengers.
Bhí an t-~ dearg air; bhí an t-~ ina rith air, ina chaipín, he was extremely lucky.
Tá sé ag rith ar chos in ~, he will trip himself up.
Bhí a chroí agus a ~nna ag rith ar a chéile, he was labouring from exertion, with excitement.
~ reatha, (short) sprint, run (as at a jump).
Rith sé abhaile in ~, he ran home quickly.
I rith, ar feadh, na haimsire sin, during all that time.
I rith, ar feadh, an ~a, all the time.
8. Ní túisce ~ a chonaic sé mé (ná rith sé), as soon as ever he saw me (he ran).
Tá sé rite as ~, he is out of breath.
Rith sé lena ~; rith sé i mbarr, i dtánaiste, ar theann, a ~a, he ran for his life.
Siúil, rith, sleamhnaigh, ar, walk, run, slide, on.
Bhí ~ ar mo chroí i ndiaidh an reatha, my heart was beating fast after I had been running.
Bhain sé chun reatha, he started to run.
Bhí sé ina rith i m~ a anama, he was running for dear life.
Fuair sé ~ reatha, he was made to run the gauntlet, was severely treated.
Ag rith i m~ a chéile, running towards each other.
I rith an bhealaigh, all the way.
I rith mo bheart, in all my experience.
Rith bodaigh le fána, random course; the easy way out.
~ ainmniúil, cúltaca, eisithe, glaoite, íoctha, reatha, nominal, reserve, issued, called-up, paid-up, circulating, capital.
Tá ~ a rith is a léim aige, he is free to disport himself as he pleases.
Rith cladaigh a thabhairt do bhád, to run a boat ashore.
Ní thagann caonach ar chloch reatha, a rolling stone gathers no moss.
~ reatha, running contest.
(Ag baint, ag rith) ar ~, (reaping, running) in unison.
Choinnigh sé ~ linn i rith na hoíche, he kept us company during the night.
~í reatha, current co-ordinates.
Chuir siad chun reatha, they started to run.
Cur sa siúl, sa rith, to start walking, running.
An fhuil ag rith trína chuislí, the blood coursing through his veins.
Tá a chúrsa rite, his course is run.
~ buailte, clis, reatha, teacht abhaile, striking, first, running, home, base.
Rith sé i n~ an anama, he ran for dear life.
Rith ar an ~, to run on the straight, to follow a straight course.
Is fearr rith maith ná ~, discretion is the better part of valour.
Níor fhág sé amach mé i rith an lae, he stuck to my side all day.
Ná lig dó tús reatha a fháil ort, don’t let him lead you in the race.
Fáscadh chun reatha, to set off on a run.
Rith, titim, le ~, to run, fall, down an incline, downwards.
I bh~ is a bheith istigh i rith an lae, compared with being in all day.
~ reatha, dash, burst of speed.
~ ghaoithe, reatha, raice, wrack.