cúrsa, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Course. (a) Onward journey, career; round, circuit. Do chúrsa a thabhairt, to run one’s course. Tá a chúrsa rite, his course is run. Do chúrsa a chur díot, to complete one’s course; to finish one’s journey, round (of business). An ~ a sheasamh, to stay the course, to stick it out. ~ an domhain, na gréine, the earth’s, sun’s, course. S.a. ard1 2. I g~ na hoíche, na haimsire, in the course of the night, of time. ~ taistil, Itinerary. Thug sé ~ na háite, he went, ran, all round the place. Ar a chúrsa dó, on his journey, on his round. Tabhair fad a chúrsa dó, give him plenty of rope. Is gairid a chúrsa anois, he hasn’t long to go, to live, now. Seo deireadh ár g~, so we come to journey’s end. Ceann ~, end of journey, destination. (b)Nau: ~ a leagan, a choinneáil, a rianú, to set, hold, chart, a course. ~ a athrú, to alter course. ~ a chaitheamh, to make a board, to tack. (c) Sch: ~ scoile, staidéir, school course, curriculum. ~ poist, correspondence course. ~ a dhéanamh, a chríochnú, to do, to finish, a course. Na leabhair atá ar an g~, the books set for the course. (d) Ecc: Tá na sagairt faoi chúrsa (spioradálta), the priests are on retreat. (e) ~damhsa, round of dancing, dance. ~ (damhsa) a dhéanamh, to do a dance. (f) Const: ~ (brící, cloch) a chur, to lay a course (of bricks, of stone). ~ taisdíonach, damp-course. (g)(Of meal) Course. An chéad chúrsa, the first course. 2. (Of sail) Reef. ~ a cheangal, a scaoileadh, to take in, to shake, a reef. ~(í) a chur i seol; dul i gcúrsaí, to reef (a sail). Cuir ~ i do sheol mór, (i) reef your mainsail, (ii) restrain yourself a bit. 3. Physiol: ~í, periods. 4. Matter, affair; circumstance. (a) ~í an lae, an tsaoil, daily, world, affairs, events. ~í dlí, creidimh, legal, religious, matters. ~í airgid, money matters. Scaoileadh le ~í, to let things take their course. D’inis sé a chúrsaí dom, he told me of his affairs. Mar atá ~í, as matters stand. Seo mar atá an ~, this is how the matter stands. (b) Matter for, cause. ~ gearáin, faoistine, matter for complaint, for confession. Ní ~ magaidh é, it is no laughing matter. Níl ~í goil, feirge, agat, you have nothing to weep, to be angry, about. Ní raibh uaithi ach ~í cainte, she only wanted something to talk about. B’fhéidir go bhfuil a chúrsaí aige, perhaps he has reason for it. (c) I gcúrsaí ruda, in the matter of sth. Tá biseach ar an tír i gcúrsaí fostaíochta, there is an improvement in the country in regard to employment. I gcúrsaí an cháis, in the circumstances (of the case). 5. Occasion. An ~ seo, on this occasion, this time. Bhí mé ann ~, I was there once, on one occasion.
Tá an ghrian in ~ a cúrsa, the sun is at its meridian.
Treo, cúrsa, a athrú, to change direction, course.
Cúrsaí báis is ~, matters of life and death.
~ cúrsa, turais, rása, end of course, of journey, of race.
~ cúrsa, scríbe, journey’s end.
~ ó chúrsa, deviation from course.
~eadh an long dá cúrsa, the ship was driven off course.
Ceacht, áireamh, cúrsa Gaeilge, a dhéanamh, to do, work at, a lesson, arithmetic, a course in Irish.
Ceart, saoirse, cúrsaí, an ~, human right, freedom, affairs.
Cúrsa san ~, arts course.
Ní thig liom ~ a bhaint as na cúrsaí seo, I can’t say what these affairs will lead to.
~ ar chúrsaí na tíre, familiar with the affairs of the country.
Is ~ an cúrsa agat é, it is a vain procedure for you.
~adh ó chúrsa, to veer off course.
Fógraíodh den chúrsa é, he was warned off the course.
~ ar bhreithiúnas, i gcúrsa, motion for judgment, of course.
Cúrsaí ~, general matters, generalities.
Cúrsa ~, post-graduate course.
~ cúrsaí, current of events.
Cúrsaí, nuacht, an lae, events, news, of the day.
~ sé dá chúrsa, he kept his course.
Cúrsa léinn, course of studies.
Cúrsa leanúna, continuation course.
Scoil, cúrsa, leighis, medical school, course.
Cúrsaí na ~e, current affairs; contemporary matters.
Tá na cúrsaí sin ~ anois, those events are forgotten now.
Cúrsa, céim, onóracha, honours course, degree.
Cúrsaí, foireann, riaracháin, administrative matters, staff.
Cúrsaí, gnóthaí, an tsaoil, worldly matters, affairs.
~ cúrsa eile sa seol mór, shake out another reef in the mainsail.
Cúrsaí ~a, scholarly matters.
Cúrsa ~ nó seachráin, passing event, anything of interest.
Smaointe casta ar chúrsaí an tsaoil, complicated thoughts on the affairs of life.
Cúrsa staidéir, course of studies.
Cúrsa teagaisc, course of instruction; tutorial.
Níl ionam ach ~ sna cúrsaí seo, I have no qualification in these matters.
Tá a chúrsa ~, his race is run.
~ i gcúrsaí gnó, discerning in business matters.
~ ar obair, ar chúrsaí leighis, ar an saol, an understanding of work, of medical matters, of life.