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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: la · á · L · láb · lád
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Seans gur foirm é de: láigh »
lá, m. (gs. lae, pl. laethanta).Day. 1. (a) Daytime. An ~ agus an oíche, day and night. (De) ~ agus (d’) oíche, by day and by night. Sa ~, i rith an lae, in the daytime, during the day. ~ breá, samhraidh, fine, summer’s, day. ~ triomaigh, good day for drying. ~ cladaigh, féir, a day for the beach, for haymaking. (b) Daylight, dawn. Tá sé ina ~, it is day. Tá an ~ bán ann, it is clear daylight. Le solas an lae, by daylight. Go ~, till dawn. Leis, roimh, an ~, at, before, dawn. I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight. Tá ár sáith de ~ againn, we have enough daylight left. Thugamar an ~ linn go ceann scríbe, we reached our destination in daylight. (c) Twenty-four-hour period. ~ na gréine, the solar day. Seacht ~ na seachtaine, the seven days of the week. ~ is bliain, a year and a day. 2. (a) Particular day. ~ saoire, holiday. ~ aonaigh, margaidh, fair-, market-, day. ~ troscaidh, fast-day. ~ pá, pay-day. ~ den tseachtain, week-day. (b) Particular date. An chéad ~ den mhí, the first day of the month. An ~ faoi dheireadh, the other day. An ~ arna mhárach, the following day. Cén ~ atá ann inniu? What day is this? (c) Particular occasion. ~ breithe, birthday. ~ a bhaiste, the day he was baptized. ~ a bpósta, their wedding-day. Go ~ mo bháis, till the day I die. ~ dár saol é, it is a day to be enjoyed. ~ na gcéadta bliain, a day of days; a rare occasion. (d) Particular festival, etc. ~ Nollag, Christmas Day. ~ Fhéile Pádraig, St. Patrick’s Day. ~ Bealtaine, May-day. ~ San Svaítín, ~ Fhéile Abhóige, St. Swithin’s Day. ~ an Bhreithiúnais, the Day of Judgment. ~ Philib an Chleite, ~ Thaidhg na dTadhgann, ~ Sheoin Dic, Tibb’s Eve. Go ~ an tsligín, never. 3. Occupied portion of day. ~ oibre, seilge, níocháin, day’s work, hunting, washing. ~ san oifig, sa gharraí, sa mhóinéar, a day in the office, in the garden, in the meadow. ~ fada a dhéanamh, to put in a long day. Thug siad ~ maith treafa dom, they did a good day’s ploughing for me. Tuirseach ón ~, tired after the day’s exertions. Do ~ a chur isteach, to put in the day. Bhí mé ag cur mo lae díom, I was passing the day. Ag baint lae as, (i) whiling away the time, (ii) getting along somehow. 4. Day of action. An ~ a ligean le duine, to let s.o. carry the day. Tá an ~ leat, you have won the day. Déanfaimid aon ~ amháin air, we will set about it in earnest, get it over and done with. ~ na Binne Boirbe, the day (of battle) of Benburb. Prov:Beidh ~ eile ag an bPaorach, there will come another day, there will be another chance. 5. Current time. Cúrsaí, nuacht, an lae, events, news, of the day. Sa ~ atá inniu ann, at the present time. 6. (a) Lifetime. Inár ~ féin, in our own day. Lenár ~, during our lifetime. Thug sé a ~ is a shaol ag gabháil dó, he gave his whole life to it. Ó mo ~ amach, after my day. Go ~ an Phiarsaigh, till Pearse’s day. An dá ~ de shaol a bheas agat, as long as you live. Tháinig a ~, his day came. (b) Period. Is fada an ~ ó chonaic mé thú, it is a long time since I saw you. Go ceann dhá ~ go leith, for a very long time to come. 7. Point of time. (a)~ de na laethanta seo, one of these days. Ón ~ seo amach, from this day forth. Inniu thar ~ ar bith, today of all days. An ~ is fearr a bhí tú, the best day you ever were. Ba é an ~ geal dó é, it was a lucky day for him. B’olc an ~ nach gcuideoinn leat, things would have come to a sorry pass if I refused to help you. Tiocfaidh ár ~ feabhais, we will improve as time goes on; there are better days in store for us. Tiocfaidh an lá ort a mbeidh tú buíoch de Dhia as, there will come a day when you will thank God for it. (b) (Used adverbially) ~ éigin, some day. ~ dá raibh, on a day that is past. ~ amháin a casadh orm é, one day that I met him. Bhí mé ann ~, I was there one day. ~ den saol, in former days. M’athair mór ~ den saol, my grandfather when he was alive. 8. (In negative phrases) Níl ~ iomrá aige air, (i) he never mentions it, (ii) he has no notion of doing it. Ná cuireadh sé ~ imní ort, don’t let it worry you in the least. Ní dhéanfaidh sé ~ dochair duit, it will do you no harm whatever. Níl ~ eagla orm rompu, I am not a bit afraid of them. Ní dhearna sé aon ~ maith ina dhiaidh, he never recovered fully from the effects of it. Ní chreidfinn an ~ uait, I wouldn’t believe anything you say. Mura raibh spórt ann ní ~ go fóill é, you never saw such sport.
An lá a baisteadh é, the day he was baptized.
Is beag an t-~ a bhí leis de bharr a lae ag iascach, he had little reward for his day's fishing.
Níl aon ~ sa lá, the day is very short.
~ an Dá Lá Dhéag, (i) the Twelve Days of Christmas, (ii) Epiphany.
Níl lá san ~ nach dtagann sé, he comes every single day.
Níor shéid aon lá as an ~ ba mheasa ná é, there never was a stormier day.
Bhí an lá an-dorcha, ~ é chomh fuar, the day was very dark, and it was also very cold.
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
~ na laethanta saoire, holiday time.
Lá, ionad, coinníollacha, a ainmniú, to specify a day, a place, conditions.
Lá sna naoi n-airde, once in a blue moon.
Agus an dá lá (a chur) san ~, both days (to be) included.
Trí mhí agus lá le háireamh, three months and a day over, extra.
Lá ~, (on) a certain day.
Le h~ an lae, at the first sign of dawn.
Is iomaí lá de mo chuid allais aige, I worked many a hard day for him.
An t-~ de lá, the time of day.
Ón lá seo ~, from this day forward.
Óna lá féin ~, after his own day.
~ sa lá, sa bhliain, late in the day, in the year.
Lá na nA~, All Fools’ Day.
2. Má bhíonn an lá ~ fliuch, if tomorrow is a wet day.
Cuid an lae ~, tomorrow’s share, food.
Seachtain is an lá ~, a week ago tomorrow.
Aon) lá ~ tháinig sé isteach anseo, one day, on a certain day, he came in here.
An lá sin ~, (on) that day only.
Le h~ (an) lae, at dawn.
Ná bíodh lá amhrais ort faoi sin, you may rest assured about that.
Tá an lá, an obair, ~ orm, my day, my work, is wasted.
An lá cheana, the other day.
An lá agus an oíche, day and night.
An uile lá, every day.
Is againn a bhí an lá! What a day we had!
Tá an lá ag dul chun anaitis, the day is getting bad, becoming disagreeable.
Tá lá maith ~, it is a good day.
Chaith siad an lá ~, they spent the day there.
Is ~ lá nach bhfeicim é, there is scarcely a day on which I don’t see him.
Tá sé ag dul ~ sa lá, sa saol, it is getting late in the day, in life.
An lá is faide ~ (ná inniu), in time to come.
Lá n-~, one day.
An t-~ lá (amháin) a bhí mé saor, the only day on which I was free.
Lá aonaigh, fair day.
Ar an ~ lá is fiche, on the twenty-first day.
Ar an lá deireanach, on the last day.
~ lá, on a certain day.
Má bhíonn an lá in ~ don iascaireacht, if the day is suitable for fishing.
In ~ an lae, at high noon.
~ lae, high noon.
Tá an lá, an bhliain, ag ársú, it is getting on in the day, the year.
Lá báistí, rainy day.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht