Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ae · la · lace · lade · lake
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Seans gur foirm é lae de: lá »
lae : lá.
Is beag an t-~ a bhí leis de bharr a lae ag iascach, he had little reward for his day's fishing.
Le h~ an lae, at the first sign of dawn.
Cuid an lae ~, tomorrows share, food.
Le h~ (an) lae, at dawn.
In ~ an lae, at high noon.
~ lae, high noon.
~ an lae, the dawn of day.
Is ~ an obair lae duit é, its the least you might do.
~ maidine, meán lae, oíche, breakfast, luncheon, supper.
~ an lae, daybreak.
Scíth a dhéanamh i m~ an lae, to rest in the middle of the day.
Bhíomar ag bualadh bóthair ar feadh an lae, we were tramping the road all day.
~ an lae, daybreak.
7. ~ an lae, daybreak.
I m~ an lae, in the heat of the day.
~ fir, lae, bullyman, day.
Culaith chaite gach aon lae, suit for everyday wear.
I g~ an lae, in the course of the day.
Idir dhá cheann an lae, from morning till night.
~ lae, the appointment of a day.
Rud a chur siar gan ~ lae, to postpone sth. indefinitely, sine die.
~ lae, diary.
~ ag an obair, tar éis an lae, exhausted from work, after the day.
Gan ~ lae oíche a dhéanamh (go), never to rest or sleep (until).
I g~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth, on his birthday.
~ oíche agus lae, twilight.
I g~ an lae, an tsamhraidh, an aonaigh, in the middle of the day, of summer, of the fair.
I g~ an lae, in the middle of the day; in broad daylight.
~ an lae, (on) the corresponding day, date.
~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth.
~ chaite gach aon lae, everyday suit.
Ar chuma an lae inniu, just like today.
8. Rud a dhéanamh le ~ an lae, to do sth. with the advantage of daylight.
~í an lae, an tsaoil, daily, world, affairs, events.
I n~ an lae, late in the day.
~ an lae, na hoíche, the end, the latter part, of the day, of the night.
i n~ an lae, day after day.
Tuirseach i n~ an lae, tired after (the exertions of) the day.
~ sholais, lae, glimmer of light, of daylight.
an meán lae go ~, it is exactly mid-day.
Thar dhroim an lae, past the middle of, late into, the day.
Le ~ an lae, at daybreak.
~ an lae, an tslua, an cheatha, the tail end of the day, of the crowd, of the shower.
Tar ~ an lae, after, at the end of, the day.
~í an lae, peep of day.
Níor fhág amach i rith an lae, he stuck to my side all day.
~ an lae, dawning light, break of day.
Le ~ geal an lae, with the first clear light of dawn.
~ an lae, the break of day.
Ag ~e an lae, waiting for day.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht