beatha1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. (a) Life. Bheith i do bheatha, to be alive. Loisceadh ina bheatha é, he was burned alive. An bheatha shaolta, shíoraí, earthly, eternal, life. An bheatha bhog, chrua, soft, hard, life. An bheatha chrábhaidh, rialta, the religious life. I m~ manaigh, living as a monk. ~ na naomh, saintly, ascetic, life. ~ an ghiorria, hunted life. Do bheatha a leasú, to amend one’s life. Do bheatha a chaitheamh mar is cóir, to lead a proper life. S.a. mac 3. Cúrsaí báis is ~, matters of life and death. Riachtanais bheatha, necessaries of life. Thug sé aiseag beatha dom, it gave me a new lease of life. Bhain sé ~ na ngéag asam, it paralysed me. ~ (do) dhuine a thoil, there is no accounting for tastes. Le linn ár m~, during our lifetime. Tá sé ina bheatha agus ina shláinte, he is alive and well. Tá an áit ina ~ leo, the place is alive, swarming, with them. (b) Biography. ~ duine a scríobh, to write a life of s.o. (c) (In welcoming salutations) Is é do bheatha, Dé do bheatha, you are welcome. Is é a ~, is é ~ na mná uaisle, she is welcome, the lady is welcome. Is é ~ toil Dé, welcome be the will of God. Do bheatha agus do shláinte; ~ agus sláinte chugat, (long) life and (good) health to you. Thug siad ~ agus sláinte dá chéile, they welcomed each other warmly. Tá [’is é do bheatha’ aige do gach uile dhuine, he has a welcome for everybody. Nára Dé do bheatha an uair seo d’oíche, bad welcome to you at this hour of the night. 2. Living, livelihood. Gléas ~, slí bheatha, means of livelihood. Slí bheatha a bhaint amach, to earn a livelihood. Do bheatha a shaothrú, to earn one’s living. Do bheatha a bhaint den, as an, talamh, to make a living from the land. Shílfeá go raibh a bheatha ag teacht ó neamh chuige, one would think by him that he had no need to earn his living. A thalamh is a bheatha, his land and livelihood. 3. Food, sustenance. ~ cearc, ainmhithe, chicken-feed, animal food. Tá ~ sna prátaí, potatoes are a sustaining food. ~ mhara, dhearg, plankton. S.a. bricín23, lus. Cúig phunt agus a bheatha, five pounds and his meals. Tá an bheatha ag éirí daor, the cost of food is rising. 4. Cré bheatha, (fertile layer of) soil. Talamh ~, arable land.
beatha2 : bith1.
ar mhuir na beatha, ar chíos mór, on the sea of life, at a high rent. Eclipses in a few instances, e.g.
Ní fiú ní ar bith é in ~ na beatha thall, it is worth nothing when viewed in relation to the life to come.
Beatha a bhaint amach, to make a living.
Beatha a bhaint as an talamh, to make a living out of the land.
Idir ~ is beatha, hovering between life and death.
~ beatha, life, life-essence.
Do bhradán beatha a chur amach, to die (as of shock, sorrow, etc.).
Ar feadh an bheatha, an domhain, an tsaoil, bhraonaigh, throughout the whole wide world.
~ na beatha thall, the permanence of the life to come.
Gearr ré na beatha de bhunadh, life is essentially of short duration.
Bunriachtanais na beatha, the bare necessities of life.
An C~ a thug do bheatha duit, He who gave you your life.
An costas beatha, cuir i g~, take the cost of living, for instance.
Tá beatha cearrbhaigh fós san Inid, there is still time for a last fling (before Lent).
Do bheatha a cheartú, to amend one’s life.
~ beatha, maireachtála, cost of living.
~ (na) beatha, (i) tree of life, (ii)
Do bheatha a thabhairt i gcrích, to gain one’s livelihood.
An bheatha chúng, narrow circumstances, poverty.
Slí bheatha ~ ndaoine, a way of living for our people.
Dé do bheatha, you are welcome.
~ a chaitheamh, to lead a good life.
Nuair a bhí sé ina dhea-bheatha, when the good man was alive; when he was alive and well.
Beatha bhocht dhearóil, poor miserable life.
~ dúinn ár mbeatha a chaitheamh go maith, grant us that we may lead good lives.
~ anama, ~ báis is beatha, ultimate endeavour.
~ na beatha, the shortness of life.
Diúltú do bhia is do bheatha, to reject food and sustenance.
~ bheatha, shaolta, way of living, of life.
Tá ~ beatha orthu, they have a poor means of livelihood.
Ar ~ báis is beatha a rinne sé é, he barely managed to do it.
Is gearr ~ na beatha, the course of life is short.
Obair, saothrú, slí bheatha, a fháil, to get work, earnings, a livelihood.
~ bheatha, ghinearálta, general confession.
Chuaigh sé i bh~ a bheatha a shaothrú, he set out to earn his living.
Ar ~ na beatha, wandering about the world.
Go ~ na beatha, na talún, to the ends of the earth.
Go ~ a bheatha, to the end of his life.
Do ghairm bheatha, one’s mission in life; one’s occupation.
Beatha ghlan, clean life.
Ár mbeatha ghnách, our ordinary lives.
An bheatha ghníomhach, the active life.
Is é beatha grásta Dé, welcome be the will of God.
An bheatha ghrástúil a chaitheamh, to live a life of grace.
Bheith i do bheatha, i do shláinte, i do mheabhair, to be alive, in good health, in one’s senses.
Róimh iarthair bheatha, the Rome of the western world.
An bheatha, an duine, ~ , the interior life, man.