Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: carrach · cograch · coprach · corach · corbach
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
corrach1, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh, gpl. ~). Wet bog, marsh. Uisce corraigh, bog water. S.a. aimléis 1, caorthann 2, pónaire 1(b).
corrach2, a1. 1. Uneven, unsteady; uneasy, unsettled. Talamh ~, uneven ground. Cosán ~, rugged path. Stól ~, shaky stool. Coiscéim chorrach, unsteady step. ~ ar a chosa, unsteady on his feet. Codladh ~, uneasy sleep. Tá sé ag éirí ~, he is getting restless. D’éirigh siad ~ le chéile, they got rough with each other. Intinn chorrach, troubled mind. Saol ~, uneasy life; troubled times. Súile ~a, shifty eyes. S.a. maide 1(b).2. Projecting; angular, pointed.
Chorraigh sé an ~ ionam, it stirred my blood.
~ corraigh, marsh ragwort.
Is corrach an ~ atá eadraibh, you are a quarrelsome company.
2. ~ corraigh, valerian.
~ sámh, corrach, sound, broken, sleep.
~ a bhaint as duine, as rud, to move s.o., sth.
Níl ~ as, there is not a stir out of him.
Níl ~ ann, he is unable to move.
Ní raibh ~ coise ná láimhe ionam, I couldn’t move hand or foot.
Níl ~ amach as an teach ann, he can’t stir out of the house.
Tá ~ borrtha san fharraige, there is a swelling movement in the sea.
Gan chorraí, motionless.
~ a bheith ort, to be moved, stirred; to be vexed.
Ná cuir ~ air, don’t vex him.
Tháinig ~ (feirge) air, he was moved to anger.
Tá ~ croí air, his heart is stirred.
Tháinig ~ ar a raibh ag éisteacht leis, all who heard him were stirred, became agitated.
Tháinig ~ ina gcuid fola, their blood was stirred.
1. Rud a chorraí, to move, stir, sth.
Ní thig liom mo lámh a chorraí, I can’t move my hand.
Ná ~ rud ar bith dá bhfuil ansin, don’t move, disturb, anything that is there.
Ná ~ as an áit a bhfuil tú, don’t move from where you are.
Níor chorraigh sé amach as an teach le fada, he hasn’t left the house this long time.
Tá sé ag corraí ina chodladh, he is disturbed in his sleep.
~ thú féin! Bestir yourself!
~ ort! Hurry up!
2. Duine a chorraí (chun feirge), to move a person (to anger).
Is furasta é a chorraí, he is easily roused, vexed.
An ~ a bhogadh, a chorraí, to move the heart.
~ corrach, devilishly rough.
~ corraigh, marsh thistle.
2. ~ corraigh, water horehound, gipsywort.
~ an chorraigh, bog orchid.
~ corrach, see-saw.
~ chorraigh, buck-bean, bog-bean.
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