crom1, a1. Bent down, stooped. Ceann ~, bent, bowed, head. Slinneáin chroma, stooped shoulders. Craobh chrom, drooping branch. Súil chrom, condescending eye. ~ anuas ar, bent down over. ~ faoi ualach, le haois, bent under a load, with age. Tá sé ~ ar a chuid oibre, he is bent over, engaged at, his work.
crom2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). Bend, stoop. Do cheann a chromadh, to bend one’s head. Chrom sé a cheann le náire, he hung his head with shame. Craobh a chromadh, to bend a branch. ~adh anuas, síos, to bend down. ~adh chun tosaigh, to bend forward. Ag ~adh leis an aois, bending with age. Chrom siad i gcúl na carraige, they crouched behind the rock. ~adh ar dhuine, chun duine, to bend over s.o.; to condescend to s.o. Ní chromfadh sí air, she would not condescend to have anything to do with him. Súil a chromadh ar dhuine, to look down, frown, on s.o. ~adh sé ar a mhacasamhail (féin eile), let him stoop to his own kind. ~adh ar rud a dhéanamh, to get down to doing sth. Chrom sé ar a chuid oibre, he bent, applied, himself to his work. Chrom sí ar chaoineadh, she started to cry.
Crom3, m. (gs. -roim). pr. n. Crom. Dar ~! By Jove! In ainm Chroim! In the name of Providence! Domhnach Chrom Dubh, the last Sunday in July.
Ní dhearna sé ~ a cheann a chromadh, all he did was to bow his head.
Do cheann a thógáil, a chromadh, to raise, bend, one’s head.
~ cinn, gualainne, géige, the bending of a head, of a shoulder, of a bough.
~ na haoise, the stoop of old age.
~ Crom! ~ Duach! By Crom! By Duach!
Do dhroim a chromadh, to bend one’s back; to get down to work.
Cromadh is ~, bending and greying with age.
Dul ar do chromadh ~, to walk in a crouched posture.