fabhar1, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~). Favour; favouritism, influence. Bheith i bh~ duine, ruda, le duine, le rud, to be in favour of s.o., sth. Tá ~ aige linn, he favours, looks with favour on, us. Tá ~ aige, he has influence, is favoured in high places. Sin nó tá Dia i bh~ aige, or else he has gained favour with God. ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to do s.o. a favour. to discriminate in favour of s.o. ~ a lorg, to curry favour. Cothrom na Féinne agus gan aon fhabhar, fair play and no favouritism. (Var: fábhar)
fabhar2 = fobhar.
fabhar3, m = fabhra.