iúl, m. (gs. iúil). 1. Knowledge. Rud a chur in ~ do dhuine, to let s.o. know sth.; to give s.o. to understand sth.; to pretend sth. to s.o. Chuir sé a bhuíochas in ~ dúinn, he expressed his gratitude to us. Tú féin a chur in ~, to express oneself; to assert oneself. 2. Direction, guidance. Bheith ar an ~, ar aon ~, le duine, to be acting along the same lines, behaving in the same manner, as s.o. Chuir siad ar an ~ leo féin é, they made him like one of themselves, as bad as themselves. Bhíomar ar an ~ céanna, we were on the same track. 3. Attention. D’~ a bheith ar rud, to have one’s attention on sth. Bhí a ~ ar an obair, he was intent on the work. Dá bhféadfá a ~ a thógáil dínn, if you could divert his attention from us. Ná cuir aon ~ iontu, take no notice of them. Duine gan ~, heedless person.
Rud a chur in iúl, i gcuimhne, do dhuine, to inform, remind, s.o. of sth.
~ i gcéill, in iúl, notification; pretence.
Cuir in iúl, i gcuimhne, dó é, inform, remind, him of it.