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Seans gur foirm é moladh de: mol »
moladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí).1. vn. of mol2. 2. Praise, commendation. ~ a dhéanamh ar, a thabhairt do, dhuine, to praise s.o. Bhí ~ mór acu ort, they had great praise for you. Tá ~ mór ar a chuid leabhar, his books are highly regarded. ~ le Dia, praise be to God. 3. Recommendation, proposal. ~ a dhéanamh faoi rud, to make a recommendation about sth. ~ iarrthóra, proposal of candidate. Ar mholadh duine, on s.o.’s recommendation. Litir mholta, letter of recommendation. 4. Appraisement, adjudication, award. Rud a fhágáil faoi mholadh duine, to let s.o. be the judge of sth. ~ beirte, arbitration by two persons. Níl sé thar mholadh beirte, it leaves much to be desired. 5. (a) Song of praise, eulogy, panegyric. ~ mairbh, panegyric for deceased person; praise for the dead. Ní ~ mairbh ar bith agam air é, I am not just extolling his memory. (b)Ecc:Moltaí, lauds.
Bhí siad á moladh aige, they were being praised by him.
Tá ~ molta acu air, they have reason to praise him.
Is minice an moladh aige ná an cáineadh, he is more given to praise than to blame.
Moladh iad as a gcineáltas, they were praised for their kindness.
Moladh bréige, insincere praise.
Ag moladh agus ag ~eadh, praising and blaming.
Ag moladh a chéile, praising each other.
Ag moladh na ~a, pandering to fools.
~ molta, eulogy.
~ molta, caithréime, song of praise, of triumph.
Níor fágadh ~ molta air, nothing was left unsaid in his praise; he was lauded to the skies.
Ag moladh liom, ~ dhea, pretending to agree with me.
~adh as a eagna é, he was commended for his wisdom.
~adh do dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to advise s.o. to do sth.
~adh dom labhairt leat, I was recommended to speak to you.
Ní raibh sé ach ag ~adh leat, he was only humouring you, encouraging you to go on.
Ag ~adh na dtráthanna, chanting the hours.
~ molta, eulogistic verse.
~ molta, exceeding praise.
Moladh, cáineadh, a thabhairt, to give praise, blame.
~ agus moladh, recommendation and praise.
Tá moladh ~te aici as, she deserves praise for it.
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