Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: boll · coll · doll · goll · mall
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
moll, m. (gs. moill, pl. ~ta). Heap; large amount, large number. ~ cloch, leabhar, éadaigh, gainimh, heap of stones, of books, of clothes, of sand. ~ tithe, huddle of houses. ~ airgid, heap of money. ~ daoine, mass of people. ~ bréag, pack of lies. ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to gather sth. in a heap. Tá sé ina mhollta aige, he has put it in heaps; he has heaps of it. (Var: pl. ~tra, ~tracha)
Moill ar tí, in aghaidh, le linn, (an) Deabhaidh, more hurry less speed.
Beart, burla, moll, ceirtlín, a dhéanamh de rud, to make a parcel, a bundle, a heap, a ball, of sth.
Lá ~ gan mhoill, some day soon.
Tiocfaidh sé ~ mhoill, he will come without delay, soon.
Ba ghearr an mhoill air é a dhéanamh, it didn’t take him long to do it.
Beidh siad ~ gan mhoill, they will be coming in soon.
~ a dhéanamh le rud, to delay in doing sth.
Déanaimis ~ bheag anseo, let us stop here a little while.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to delay, retard, s.o.
~ a bhaint as rud, to delay, protract, slow up, sth.
Baineadh ~ asam; bhain ~ dom, I was delayed.
~ uaire, an hour’s delay; an hour’s stop.
Ná déan ~ faoi bhealach, don’t loiter, stop, along the way.
~ ar thrácht, hold-up in traffic.
~ éistigh, hardness of hearing.
~ rabharta, lag of tide.
Gan mhoill, shortly, soon.
Gan mhoill ina dhiaidh sin, shortly afterwards.
Ní raibh ~ orm é a dhéanamh, I had no difficulty in doing it.
Ba bheag an mhoill ort lámh chúnta a thabhairt dom, it wouldn’t trouble you much to give me a helping hand.
Cad é an mhoill atá ort féachaint leis? What’s to stop you from trying it?
Níor mhoill air, níorbh air an mhoill, dul linn, he went with us right away.
~ n-imí, n-imeoidh, tú gan mhoill, if you don’t leave soon.
Bíodh is ~ cuireadh moill orainn, even though we were not delayed.
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