isteach, adv. & prep. & a. (Of motion) In, into. 1. (a)Dul ~ in áit, to go into a place. ~ sa teach, into the house. Tar ~, come in. Lig ~ anseo iad, let them in here. Cuir ~ sa sparán é, put it into the purse. Doirt ~ é, pour it in. Ná tit ~ sa tine, don’t fall into the fire. Beidh siad ~ gan mhoill, they will be coming in soon. Seo ~ é, here he is coming in. ~ (ar)an doras, in by, through, the door. (As vb. imp.) ~ leat! ~ libh! In you go! (b) Chuaigh sé ~ go cnámh, it penetrated to the bone. Tá sé i bhfad ~ san adhmad, it is deeply embedded in the timber. Dhóigh sé leis ~, it burned right in. (c) Fág spás ~ ón imeall, leave a space in from the margin. Fan ~ as cosán na gcarranna, keep in from the path of the cars. Míle ~ ón trá, a mile in from the strand. 2. (Of inclusion, addition) Tá an cíos ~ leis, it includes the rent. Ná lig an troscán ~ leis, don’t let the furniture be included in it. Chuir sé punt ~ leis, he threw in a pound with it. 3. (Of partnership, collusion) Bheith ~ le duine, to be in association with s.o. Tá an bheirt acu ~ le chéile, the pair of them are in league. 4. (As a.) Doras ~, entrance (door). Cead ~, permission to enter. Litreacha ~, incoming letters. Billí ~, receivable bills. An fear ~, the man who is going, coming, in. Má tá gnó ~ agat, if you have business within. Níl fonn ~ orm, I don’t wish to go in. S.a. cliamhain 1. 5. Bíonn siad ~ agus amach le chéile, they are on friendly terms. S.a. amach 11, croí 2, teacht1 3; bris ~, cuir ~, lig ~, luigh ~. tar ~, téigh ~, tit ~.
Tar isteach, a Sheáin, come in, Seán.
Tá ~ na farraige, na gaoithe, isteach ann, it is exposed to the sea, the wind.
~ amach, isteach, outward, inward, returns.
11. ~ is isteach, out and in; about.
~ is isteach sa teach, in and out of the house.
Tá siad ~ is isteach chuig a chéile arís, they are on visiting, friendly, terms again.
~ is isteach le bliain, a year approximately.
Aon) lá ~ tháinig sé isteach anseo, one day, on a certain day, he came in here.
Chuaigh sé d’aon léim ~ isteach san abhainn, he took one jump, jumped suddenly, into the river.
Níl ~ isteach, amach, acu, they can’t get in, out.
Bhí sé ar an dara fear a tháinig isteach, he was the second man who came in.
An coirce a bhailiú isteach, to gather in the oats.
Cúig a bhailiú isteach, to pick up a five, a trick.
Tá ~ na farraige isteach ann, it is open to the sea.
~ isteach, amach, way in, out.
Bheannaigh sé isteach chugainn, he called in to us, to greet us.
~ isteach air, get to close grips with him.
Ag ~ thart, isteach is amach, tacking about, standing off and on.
Do bhris a thabhairt isteach, to recoup one’s losses.
Capall a bhriseadh isteach, to break in a horse.
~ isteach an doras, break in the door.
Bhris siad isteach sa teach, they broke into the house.
Tá an fharraige ag ~eadh isteach ann, the sea is encroaching there.
Ná bí ag ~eadh isteach ar mo chuid cainte, don’t be interrupting me.
~ isteach é, press it in.
~ isteach liom, press close to me.
~ isteach an doras, push in the door.
Bhuail siad isteach sa choill, they struck into the wood.
~eadh isteach sa teach é, he happened to come into the house.
~ romhat isteach sa halla, go ahead into the hall.
Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door.
Druid isteach ~, move in a bit.
Ná lig isteach thar chab an dorais é, don’t let him in past the doorway.
Tháinig sé isteach chugam ar a chamchuairt, he called in to me on his travels.
Tháinig sé isteach ar a chamruathar, he called in on his rounds, unexpectedly.
Caolú isteach in áit, to edge one’s way into a place.
Cheanglaíomar isteach de bhád eile, we made fast to another boat.
Caitheadh isteach é idir cheann is chosa, he was thrown bodily in.
Thóg sé (isteach) ina cheann é, he took it into his head, took the notion.
Ní raibh barr ~ isteach ná bun ~ amach, everything was perfectly arranged; there wasn’t a hair out of place.
~ isteach, man married into farm, into household.
Lig sé isteach ar chluas agus amach ar chluas, ar an g~ eile, é, he let it in one ear and out the other.
Iad a chluicheadh isteach, le chéile, to gather them in, drive them together.
~ isteach le chéile iad, put them snugly together.
Tháinig sé isteach ar a choiscéim, he came in as he was passing.
Teacht isteach ~, steady income.
~ isteach sa bhearna iad, head them into the gap.
Chuir sé isteach a choraintín leo, he had a hard time with them.
Tháinig siad isteach ~ na trá, they came in by the strand.
Mo chroí thú! Mo chroí (isteach) ionat! I love you dearly!