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Focail chosúla: crúigh · urúigh · báigh · brig · brígh
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brúigh, v.t. & i. (pres. -únn, fut. -úfaidh, vn. brú, pp. -ite). 1. Press. Cnaipe a bhrú, to press a button. ~le do mhéar é, press it with your finger. ~ isteach é, press it in. ~ síos sa mhála é, press it down in the bag. ~ an séala air, impress the seal on it. ~ an sú as, press the juice out of it. ~ a dhá thaobh ar a chéile, press the two sides of it together; flatten it out. ~ isteach liom, press close to me. Tá siad ag brú aniar orainn, they are pressing in on us from behind. 2. Push, shove. ~ romhat é, push it ahead of you. ~ i leataobh, as do bhealach, é, shove it aside, out of your way. ~ isteach an doras, push in the door. Ná bígí ag brú a chéile mar sin, don’t push, crowd, each other like that. 3. Crush. Prátaí a bhrú, to mash potatoes. Clocha, salann, a bhrú, to pound stones, salt. Ná ~ mo chos, don’t crush my foot. Brúfar d’easnacha ar a chéile, your ribs will be bashed in. Bhrúigh siad an t-anam asam, they squashed the life out of me. 4. (With ar)(a)Rud a bhrú ar dhuine, to press sth. on s.o. Tá sé ag brú troda orm, he is pressing me to fight him. Bhí sé ag brú comhrá orm, he was pressing his conversation on me. (Bheith ag) brú ar dhuine, to intrude on s.o. Ná ~ thú féin air, don’t force yourself on him. Táimid ag brú orthu anseo, we are thrusting ourselves on them here. Ag brú aithne orthu, scraping acquaintance with them. Rud a bhrú ar d’aigne, ar do chroí, to suffer sth. in silence. (b)Tá sé ag brú ar dhaichead bliain ó tharla sé, it is close on forty years since it happened. 5. (With faoi)~ fút, restrain yourself; have patience. ~ fút an fhearg, control your anger. ~ faoi chois é, stamp on it; suppress it. (Var:pres. ~eann)
Níl agat ach é a bhrú, all you have to do is to press it.
Bhí gach ~ díom brúite, I was bruised all over.
Ag brú agus ag ~adh a chéile, shoving and crushing one another.
air! ~ is bearnú (bá, brú) air! ~ Shíol Éabha air! The devil take him!
Ar bhrú, on the brink (of).
Ar bhrú abhann, on the bank of a river.
Ar bhrú éaga, on the verge of death.
~ daoine, crush of people.
~ croí, sorrow of heart.
~ carnáin, jostling game.
Inneall ~ite, crushing machine.
~ fút, restraint; suppression, concealment.
~ aeir, air pressure; atmospheric pressure.
~ fola, blood pressure.
~ faoi chois, down-trodden.
Briste ~, battered and broken.
Glasraí ~, mashed vegetables.
Cneá bhrúite, contused wound.
Croí ~, bruised, aching, heart.
Cló ~, batter.
Táimid ~ anseo, we are crushed, crowded, here.
Tá an obair ~ againn, we have broken the back of the work.
Tá an lá ~ (amach), most of the day is spent.
Ag brú chun cinn, pushing ahead.
a bhrú, to press a button.
~ a bhrú ar dhuine, to force one’s attention on s.o.; to intrude on s.o.
Brú ar an ~, to intrude where one is not wanted.
Rud a bhrú fút, to suppress sth.
Na féileacáin a bhrú as duine, to crush s.o.
Tá an ~ ag brú orthu, they are being influenced by English ways.
Brú ar ~ an doichill ag duine, to impose oneself on s.o.
Brú ~ uisce, great press of water.
~ brúite, rolláin, stamping-, rolling-, mill.
~ a bhrú ar dhuine, to make up to s.o.; to force one’s company on s.o.
Bhí siad ag brú na b~ as a chéile, they were knocking the stuffing out of one another.
~ brúite, press-stud.
Brú ~, lateral thrust.
Brú ~a, traffic congestion.
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