gan, prep. Without. 1. (In general reference lenites b, c, g, m, p) (a) (With concrete noun) Bheith ~ chlann, to be without children, childless. ~ gharda, without a guard, unguarded. Tá mé ~ phingin, I am without a penny, penniless. ~ cúis chóir, without just cause. (b) (With abstract noun) Duine ~ mhaith, useless person. Teach ~ chosaint, undefended house. Caint ~ éifeacht, ineffectual talk. Obair ~ fheidhm, unnecessary work. Tiocfaidh sé ~ mhoill, he will come without delay, soon. S.a. fios 4. (c) (Passively with verbal noun) ~ chur, ~ bhaint, ~ déanamh, unsown, unreaped, undone. Bainne ~ síothlú, unstrained milk. Dúil ~ fháil, unfulfilled expectation. Tuile ~ trá, unebbing, never-ending, flood. (d) ~ . . . ~, without . . . or. ~ athair ~ mháthair, without father or mother. ~ bhia ~ deoch, without food or drink. ~ chaint ~ chomhrá, without talk or conversation. ~ bhriseadh ~ bhearnú, unbroken and unbreached, quite intact. ~ tús ~ deireadh, without beginning or end, in utter confusion. 2. (a) (With article, does not affect following noun) ~ an plúr, an mhin, an t-arán, without the flour, the meal, the bread. ~ an aire, an tsaoirseacht, atá ag teastáil, without the care, the craftsmanship, that is needed. (b) (With personal or possessive pronoun) ~ mé, tú, é, without me, you, him. ~ mo chead, a beannacht, without my consent, her blessing. 3. (With dependent phrase or clause, non-leniting) (a) (Nominal) ~ pingin ina phóca, without a penny in his pocket. ~ ceannach againn orthu, without our being able to buy them. Is trua ~ teach acu, it is a pity that they haven’t got a house. ~ neart agam air, although I can’t help it. (Agus) ~ peann féin aige, when he hasn’t even a pen. Bhí sé ina shuí ansin agus ~ focal as, he sat there without saying a word. (b) (Verbal) Dá mbeinn ~ pingin a shaothrú, if I were not to earn a penny. B’fhearr duit ~ fanacht leo, you had better not wait for them. D’iarr sí orm ~ a bheith déanach, she asked me not to be late. Níl sé ~ a chúis a bheith aige, he is not without a reason for it, he has good reason for it. Níl tú ~ leithscéal a bheith agat, you are not without an excuse; you have a peculiar excuse. Bhí an bád ~ imeacht fós, the boat had not yet left. 4. (Expressing wish) ~ mé sa bhaile! I wish I were at home. Imeacht ~ teacht air! May he go and never come back. 5. (a) (After ach) Ach ~ bogadh, but not to move. Ach ~ deifir a bheith ort, provided that you are not in a hurry. (b) (Followed by ach) ~ ach an beagán, with only a little. ~ ach míle eadrainn, with only a mile between us. ~ ach smaoineamh air, merely by thinking about it; at the mere thought of it. ~ fúinn ach an aibhéis, with nothing below us except the abyss. ~ againn ach iad, although they were all we had. (Agus)~ ann ach leanbh fós, though he is only a child yet.
Gan fáth gan ~, for no reason whatever.
Is mór an spórt é i mbaile gan ~, it is great sport for those who have nothing better to do.
Tá sé maith go leor ~ gan fearg a chur air, he is all right if he is not angered.
Gan iarraidh gan ~, without any inducement.
Gan mórán achair, shortly.
Ní gan ~ a gheall sé é, his offer was not unreserved.
Ceannaigh an drochrud ~ bí gan aon rud, if you buy a poor thing you will be left without anything.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh é a cheannach ~ gan mórán airgid aige, he was trying to buy it although he had little money.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
Gan bhréag gan ~, in plain fact.
Duine, file, gan ~, a nameless, anonymous, person, poet.
Duine gan ~, heedless person; unheeded person.
Focal gan ~, insignificant statement.
Na blianta gan ~, the forgotten years.
Ag imeacht gan ~, wandering aimlessly.
Gan ~, countless, incalculable.
~ gan mhaith, useless article.
Gan ~ gan urlabhra, comatose; dead.
Gan ádh gan ~, luckless, unfortunate.
Is ~ a tháinig sé agus gan an leabhar leis, actually he came without bringing the book.
Fear gan anam gan ~, a man without spirit or strength. (Of horse)
Duine gan ~, unfeeling person; lifeless person.
Duine gan ~, unsmiling, humourless, person.
Gan ~ dár mbuaireamh, with no one to trouble us.
Fleá gan obadh d’~, a feast which no one declines.
Duine ~ gan léann, a simple unlettered man.
Gan mheabhair gan ~, without sense or feeling; unconscious.
Is minic a bhíos ceann óg gan ~, young people can be insensitive at times.
Gan ~adh leis sin, irrespective of that.
Gan bhail, invalid, void.
Gan cur leis ná ~t de, without adding to or subtracting from it.
Gan ~t dó sin, apart from that.
Leanbh gan bhaisteadh, unbaptized child, child who dies without baptism.
Gan bharántas, unwarranted.
~ gan sagart, death without the administrations of a priest.
Gan bhascadh gan bhárthainn, without injury to life or limb.
~ gan smid, silent, unsociable, person.
~ gan scáth, gan foscadh, gan chaomhnú, blabber.
Gan bhriseadh) gan bhearnú, unused; unharmed.
Bhearrfadh sé gan sópa thú, he has a sarcastic tongue.
~ gan leigheas foighne is fearr air, what can’t be cured must be endured.
Gan bheartú, unpremeditated.
Breith gan fhios ar dhuine, to take s.o. by surprise.
Gan ~ a dtuairisce a fháil, without finding any trace of their existence.
Ní bheadh ~ orm gan é, san áit seo, I couldn’t live without it, in this place.
Ní ~ dó gan a bheith ag caint, he can’t stop talking.
Bhí sé as obair, gan airgead, le cuthach, he was out of work, without money, in a fury.