Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bain do · bain le · bainge · bainne · bainse
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bain de, v.t. & i. 1. Take off, remove. An clár, an clúdach, an phéint, an barr, a bhaint de rud, to remove the lid, the cover, the paint, the top, from sth. An ghruaig, an fhéasóg, a bhaint de dhuine, to give s.o. a hair-cut, a shave. ~ díot an hata, remove your hat. ~ díot (do chuid éadaigh), undress yourself. ~eadh an chos de, his leg was amputated. ~eadh dá chosa, dá threoir, é, he was taken off his feet, put off his stride. ~eadh a ainm den rolla, his name was taken off the roll. 2. Take away from. An brón, an fhearg, an imní, a bhaint de dhuine, to console, appease, reassure, s.o. Bhain sé an t-ocras díom, it relieved my hunger. ~ an scian den leanbh, take the knife from the child. Ná ~ a chroí de, don’t dishearten him. ~ do shúil, do dhúil, de, cease to expect it. Bhain sí an leanbh den chíoch, den diúl, she weaned the child. Bhain sé codladh na hoíche díom, it left me unable to sleep at night. Bhain sé an chaint díom, it left me speechless. Níl á bhaint den saol ach é, it is worrying him to death. Níor bhain sin de a chuid a dhéanamh, that did not prevent him from taking his meals. 3. Extract. Bia a bhaint den talamh, den fharraige, to get food from the land, the sea. Gealltanas a bhaint de dhuine, to extract a promise from s.o. Bhain sé punt díom orthu, he charged me a pound for them. 4. Reduce. Lúb a bhaint de shlabhra, to shorten a chain by a link. Giota a bhaint de thuras, den bhealach, to shorten, set out on first stage of, a journey. An siúl a bhaint den bhád, to reduce the speed of the boat. Gan cur leis ná ~t de, without adding to or subtracting from it. Murar cuireadh leis an scéal níor ~eadh de, the story lost nothing in the telling. ~ den dorú, draw in the fishing-line. Tá sé ag ~t de, the wind is falling. Cards:~ díobh, cut them. 5. Deprive of. An tine, an solas, an ghrian, a bhaint de dhuine, to get between s.o. and the fire, the light, the sun. Bhain tú Dia díom, you came between me and God. Bhain sé an doras díom, he got to the door before me. Ag ~t barr dá chéile, vying with each other. Ag ~t na sál, na gcos, dá chéile, treading on each other’s heels; tripping over each other in their hurry. Ag ~t an bhóthair dá chéile, racing each other along the road.
Baineadh an ~ díom, I lost my breath; I was dumbfounded.
Má bhaineann tú de ní bheidh mórán áthais ort, if you interfere with him you will regret it afterwards.
~ anuas an chasóg sin díot, take that coat off you.
Bhain sé an ~ díom, he excelled me.
Baineadh an chaint díom, I was left speechless.
Bhain sé ~ de shásamh as, he got a kind of satisfaction out of it.
Baineadh a chinseal de, he was made to mind his own business.
Tá sé san áit nach mbaineann an cat an ~ de, it is well secured, locked up.
Mura fíor é bain an chluas díomsa, bain barr na cluaise díom, you may take it from me that it is true.
Bain an choirt de do mhuineál, scrub the dirt off your neck.
Ná bain an ~ díom, don’t flay me with your tongue.
Bhain tú an ~ púicín díom, you opened my eyes for me.
Bain cuid den ~ díot féin, remove some of your thatch, get yourself a hair-cut.
Bain an ~ de do bhróga, take the mud off your boots; clean, smarten, yourself up.
Bhain mé deireadh ~e de, I gave up all hope of it.
Bain na heireabaill de, cut the loose ends off it.
Braon beag a bhain an ghruaim dínn, a little drop that cheered us up.
Baineadh an ~ ón uillinn de, his arm was amputated at the elbow.
Bain díot an ~ amadáin sin atá ort, take off that silly expression of yours.
Bain an chluas ón ~ díom má tharlaíonn a leithéid, I’ll bet you anything that it won’t come to pass.
Bain an ~ díot féin, stop blubbering.
Bain díot é ~ go nífear é, take it off you so that it may be washed.
Bain an ~ de do shúile, open your eyes, stop fooling yourself.
Bhain an teach mór ~ an chuain dínn, the big house shut out our view of the harbour.
Bhainfinn an ~ díot, I’d knock your block off.
Baineadh ~ den chraiceann de mo chos, a piece of skin was torn off my leg.
Baineadh ~ an tí díobh, the house was taken away from them.
Bain an ~ de do mhala, take the sullen look off your brow.
Bain na ~aí de do shúile, open your eyes, look alive.
Ná bain an t~ díom, don’t bite my nose off.
Ná bain do shúil de chabhair, don’t give up hope of getting help.
Tá an ~ bainte de, he has sobered down.
Bhain mé ~ de, I got there before him.
Bhain a gcuairt an t-~ dínn, their visit dispelled our loneliness.
Ná bain a ~ de, don’t discourage him.
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