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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: báin- · ain- · bain · bainc · baint
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
bain-2, prefix = ban-1
bain1, v.t. & i. (vn. ~t).1. Extract from bed in ground, dig out. Clocha, gairbhéal, a bhaint, to quarry stones, gravel. Gual a bhaint, to mine coal. Móin, fód, a bhaint, to cut turf, a sod. Prátaí, biatas, a bhaint, to dig potatoes, pull beet. Fréamhacha a bhaint, to take out roots. Clais, uaigh, a bhaint, to dig a trench, a grave. 2. Separate from root, stem, etc.; reap, pick. Arbhar, féar, a bhaint, to cut corn, hay. Craobh, slat, a bhaint, to cut a branch, a rod. Feamainn, muiríneach, a bhaint, to cut seaweed, marram-grass. Torthaí, sméara, a bhaint, to pick fruit, berries. Bláthanna a bhaint, to pick, cut, flowers. Carraigín, bairnigh, a bhaint, to pick carrageen, limpets. Ag ~t agus ag cur, reaping and sowing. Mura gcuire tú ní bhainfidh tú, sow not reap not. 3. Release from socket; open. Glas, bolta, laiste, a bhaint, to open a lock, draw a bolt, raise a latch. 4. Release from source; shed. Fuil a bhaint, to let blood. Fearthainn a bhaint, to bring down rain. ~fidh sé cith, it will bring on a shower. 5. Release sound; strike. Clog, boschrann, a bhaint, to strike a bell, a knocker. Bhain an clog, (i) the bell rang, (ii) the clock struck. 6. Agitate. Duine a bhaint, to draw s.o. out; to anger s.o. Is doiligh é a bhaint, it is hard to get him to talk, to annoy him. Tá an fharraige ~te, the sea is ruffled. 7. Release from hold; lift. ~eadh (dá chosa) sa doimhneacht é, he was taken off his feet in the deep water. Tá an bád ~te, the boat is afloat. 8. Win. Airgead, duais, a bhaint, to win money, a prize. Cluiche, cogadh, a bhaint, to win a game, a war. Onóir a bhaint, to gain an honour. An té nár bhain is nár chaill, he who neither won nor lost, who never ventured anything. 9. Become due. Tá an cíos ~te, the rent is due for payment.
~ nach bhfuil baint agat leis, say you have nothing to do with it.
Baineann sé le h~, it is relevant to the subject.
Ná baintear an t-~ den bhairín, den bhlonag, call a spade a spade.
Níl aon ~ iontu, le baint astu, they are of no use.
Tá an coirce in ~ a bhainte, the oats are ready for reaping.
Bhain sé an t-~ as mo shúile, as an tsúil agam, (i) it dazzled me, (ii) it shocked me.
Baineadh an ~ díom, I lost my breath; I was dumbfounded.
Bhain tú an t-~ asam, you frightened the life out of me.
In ~ a bhainte, fit for reaping.
Bain as do phóca é, take it out of your pocket.
Bain do rogha astu, take your choice of them.
Bain a leath as, take away one half of it.
Bain as, be off.
Baineadh ~ as, he got a fall (off sth.).
Má bhaineann tú de ní bheidh mórán áthais ort, if you interfere with him you will regret it afterwards.
Cá mhéad a bhain sé amach air? How much did he charge for it?
Nuair a bhain mé an teach amach, when I got to the house.
Bhain sé aois mhór amach, he lived to a great age.
Nuair a bhaineann sé amach ní féidir é a stopadh, when he gets going (talking) he cannot be stopped.
~te amach, flighty.
Bhain mé seachtain amach ann, I passed a week there.
Is ann is faide a bhain sé amach, he stuck it there longest.
~ anuas den tseilf é, take it down from the shelf.
~ anuas an chasóg sin díot, take that coat off you.
~ anuas an clog, take down, dismantle, the clock.
Bhain mé air a theacht liom, I persuaded him to come along with me.
Bhí sé ~te ar mo bhualadh, he was bent on striking me.
Bhí m’aigne ~te ar dhul ann, my mind was set on going there.
~eadh a radharc air, he lost his sight.
~eadh clog air, [’a bell was rung against him’, he was excommunicated.
~ as mo thuarastal é, deduct it from my salary.
~ do lámh as do phóca, take your hand out of your pocket.
~ greim as an arán, toit as do phíopa, take a bite of the bread, a smoke of your pipe.
Bhain sé an dealg as mo chos, he removed the thorn from my foot.
~eadh an tsúil as, he lost an eye.
Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth.
~ do rogha astu, take your pick of them.
~ as a chéile iad, take them apart.
Ná ~ as a ainm é, don’t miscall him.
Bhain sé gáire asam, he made me laugh.
~eadh na deora aisti, she was moved to tears.
~eadh asam é, I was provoked into saying it.
Níl siad ach ag ~t asat, they are only drawing you out, pulling your leg.
~eadh mealladh as, he was deceived.
~ as an airgead, use the money sparingly.
Bhain sé seachtain asam é a dhéanamh, it took me a week to do it.
Bhain sé as (amach); bhain sé na cosa as; bhain sé as na cosa, na boinn, é, he ran away as fast as he could.
7. ~eadh lao aisti, she dropped a calf (prematurely).
Bhain sé chun reatha, he started to run.
~ chugat! Get going! Be off!
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