preab1, f. (gs. preibe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Start, bound. ~ a bhaint as duine, to startle s.o. De phreab, at a bound, suddenly. D’éirigh sé de phreab, he sprang up. Bhain mé ~ as mo dhroim, I wrenched my back. Níl ~ ionam tar éis an lae, I am exhausted after the day’s work. 2. (Of ball) Bounce, hop. 3. Throb, twitch. Tá ~ i mo lámh, my hand is twitching. Níor fhan ~ i mo chroí, my heart stopped beating. Tá sé i ndeireadh na preibe, he is at his last gasp. 4. Kick. De phreab eich, from the kick of a horse. 5. ~ (spáide), sod turned by spade, spadeful (of earth). ~ a bhaint, to dig a spadeful of earth. 6. Liveliness, dash, spirit. Ag cur ~ san ól, drinking with gusto.
preab2, v.i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Start, spring, jump. ~adh i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to sit, stand, up suddenly. Phreab sé den chathaoir, he sprang from the chair. Phreab siad ina araicis, they sprang to meet him. Solas ag ~adh, a light flickering. Phreab an corc, the cork popped. Phreab an ghaoth, the wind veered suddenly. Phreab an gunna, the gun kicked. ~ leat! Away you go! 2. (Of ball) Bounce, hop. 3. Throb; twitch. Bhí mo chroí ag ~adh, my heart was palpitating.