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Focail chosúla: caradh · scagadh · scaladh · scanadh · scanradh
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Seans gur foirm é scaradh de: scar »
scaradh, m. (gs. -rtha).1. vn. of scar. 2. Separation. (a)~ na gcompánach, the parting of companions. ~ lánúine, separation of married couple. Ordú scartha, separation order. ~ oíche is lae, break of day. Fáth mo scartha leo, the reason why I parted from them. Níl ~ aige leis, he is intent on keeping it. Ní raibh ~ acu linn, they followed us everywhere. (Ba) ~ anama le corp (é), (it was like) the parting of soul and body. (b)~ plandaí, cuaillí, spacing of plants, of poles. (c)~ cos, parting of legs. An ~ mór a dhéanamh, to do the splits. S.a. gabhal 1(b).(d)Typ: Leading, spacing. 3. Spreading. ~ lín, éadaigh, spreading of net, of cloth. ~ féir, spreading of hay.
Is ~ liom scaradh leis, it grieves me to part with it.
~ asúcháin, chodánach, dhéthéarmach, neamhchinntithe, rannaí, scartha, uimhriúil, adsorption, fractional, binomial, undetermined, partition, detached, numerical, coefficient.
Scaradh na g~, the parting of comrades.
Scaradh anama le ~, the parting of soul and body, the passing of life.
Scaradh le ~, to turn one’s back on humanity.
Scaradh leis an ~, to forsake the world.
Bheith ar scaradh gabhail ar rud, to be astride sth.
Scaradh le rud, to part with sth.
Rudaí a scaradh, a aithint, ó chéile, to separate, distinguish, things from each other.
Lánúin, teaghlach, a ~adh, to separate a married couple, a household.
Lucht troda a ~adh, to separate combatants.
Na cuaillí a ~adh go maith, to set the posts well apart.
Gaol a ~adh, to sort out a relationship.
Do chosa a ~adh, to spread one’s legs.
Casadhmaid ag ~adh, timbers starting.
Suth ag ~adh, embryo segmenting.
An fhoirm ~tha, the analytic form.
Tacair ~tha, disjoint sets.
Éadach a ~adh, to spread cloth.
Féar, móin, a ~adh, to spread hay, turf.
Tú féin a ~adh ar chapall, to straddle a horse.
1. Daoine, rudaí, a ~adh le chéile, to separate people, things.
2. ~adh le duine, to part company with s.o.
~adh le maoin, to part with wealth.
~adh le ceart, to relinquish a right.
~adh le hoifig, to vacate an office.
~adh le nós, to depart from a custom.
Is doiligh ~adh le slaghdán, it is hard to get rid of a cold.
3. ~adh le duine clainne, to have a miscarriage.
Caora a ~adh ón tréad, to separate a sheep from the flock.
Bhí mé ~tha amach ó mo dhaoine, I was cut off from my people.
Ná bíodh an ~ scartha sin ort, don’t sit with your legs apart like that.
Tacair scartha, disjoint sets.
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