scoth1, f. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. (a) Flower, blossom. (b) Flower, pick, choice. ~ na bhfear, the best of men. ~ fir, an excellent man. Tá ~ na dí aige, he keeps the best of drink. Rinne tú ~ oibre, you did very good work. Tá ~ eolais agam ar an áit, I know the place very well. Bhí ~ lae againn, we had a great day. ~ scéil, first-rate story. Den chéad ~, of the first quality. Is den dara ~ iad, they are only second class. 2. (a) Tuft, bunch. ~ ghruaige, tuft of hair; bushy hair. Rug mé ar ~ chinn air, I caught him by the hair of the head. (b) Bundle, sheaf. ~ luachra, bundle of rushes. ~ lín, sheaf of flax. (c) Bushy tail. ~ sionnaigh, fox’s brush. 3. Algae: ~ bhuí, fucus, kelpweed. 4. Arrangement; cut, style. Leis an ~ atá ar chleití na n-éan, on account of the way the birds’ feathers are arranged. Cuir ~ ar an gcruach, tidy the stack. ~ a n-éadaigh, the cut of their clothes. (Var: gpl. ~)
scoth2, f. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Point, tip. ~ deilge, faobhair, point of thorn, of edged weapon. 2. Projection, ridge (of rock); reef. 3. Chip, splinter (of rock); (pl.) scree. (Var: gpl. ~)
scoth3, f. (gs. -oithe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Lit:Hist: Branch (of family), line; son.
scoth4, f. (gs. -oithe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Lit: Speech, utterance. 2. Air, tune. ~ a chur le rud, to sing sth. Níl an ~ agam, I don’t know the air.
scoth-5, pref. Semi-, medium-; fairly, middling.
scoth-6, pref. Tufted.