treall1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Short period, spell. ~ oibre a dhéanamh, to do a spell of work. ~ lámhaigh, burst of firing. ~anna toirní, thundery spells. ~ den oíche, a part of the night. Idir threallanna, between times, intermittently. 2. Fit, turn, caprice. Tá ~ ann, he is changeable, capricious. Tagann sé ina threallanna air, he gets it in spasms; he does it in fits and starts. 3. Streak, patch. ~anna i gcuraíocht, patches in tillage. ~anna i gcniotáil, irregular patches in knitting. Tá ~anna glasa san fharraige, the sea is streaked with green.
treall2 = dreall : drioll.