Bhí mac óg inné aici, she had, gave birth to, a son yesterday.
Breith ~, premature birth.
Lao, uan, searrach, a bhreith, to give birth to a calf, a lamb, a foal.
Ráta, teastas, beireatais, birth-rate, birth-certificate.
~ Chríost, the birth of Christ; the Nativity.
D’aon bhreith, at one birth.
I g~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth, on his birthday.
~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth.
A choimpeart agus a ghin, his conception and birth.
Tá ~ agam leis an lá a rugadh é, I can tell the exact date of his birth.
Ar théarnaigh ó gineadh Ádhamh, all who came into the world since the birth of Adam.
D’aon ~, at one delivery, at one birth.