Aon chith amháin a d’fhliuch iad uile, they are all tarred with the same brush.
~ spáide, scuaibe, scine, casúir, tua, handle of spade, of brush, knife, of hammer, of axe.
An mheirg a bhaint de rud, to rub the rust off sth.; to brush up sth.
Scuab mhúcháin, flue-brush.
~ sionnaigh, fox’s brush.
~ bhearrtha, shaving-brush.
~ mhúcháin, shimléir, flue-, chimney-, brush.
~ sciúrtha, scrubbing-brush.
~ stionsail, stencil-brush.
~ charbóin, carbon brush.
Bhí ~ bheag againn leis an namhaid, we had a slight brush with the enemy.