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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é cuidiú de: cuidigh »
cuidiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cuidigh1. 2. Help, assistance. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to help s.o. Lámh chuidithe, helping hand. ~ airgid, financial assistance. Is beag an rud nach ~ é, every little helps. Le ~ Dé, with God’s help.
Ní raibh ~ dó cuidiú a bheith aige, it was well for him that he had help.
B’olc an chomaoin dom gan cuidiú leat, it would be very ungrateful of me not to help you.
Cuidiú le duine rud a dhéanamh, to help s.o. to do sth.
Cuidiú leis an leatromach, to aid the afflicted.
Thug sé a dhícheall cuidithe dom, he helped me as best he could.
~adh é de dhíobháil cuidithe, he got stuck for want of help.
B’olc a gheobhainn gan cuidiú leat, it would be a poor thing for me not to help you.
Dá mbeadh ~ le do chuidiú agam, if I required your help.
Thug sé ~ chuidithe, chúnta, dom, he gave me a helping hand.
Cuidiú, comhoibriú, le duine, to help, co-operate with, s.o.
Is beag ~ tá cuidiú ar bith aige, he has little or no help.
Ní raibh sé de mhaith ann cuidiú liom, he hadn’t the gumption to help me.
Bhí sé de ~ ann cuidiú liom, he was decent enough to help me.
Beidh ~ cuidithe le fáil, there will be plenty of help available.
Is beag an ~ duit cuidiú liom, the least you should do is to help me.
~ ar chuidiú, call for help.
Shéan sé a chuidiú orm, he denied me his help.
Bronntanas beag ar ~ do chuidithe, a little present in return for your help.
Cuidiú, tacaíocht, misneach, a thabhairt, to give help, backing, encouragement.
Thairg sé cuidiú liom, he offered to help me.
Thiocfainn gan do chuidiú, I’d get on all right without your help.
Thiocfadh liom cuidiú leat, I could help you.
Cuidiú ~, useless help.
do) ~eadh dom go mbeadh do chuidiú againn, I got the idea that we would have your help.
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