gabh le, v.t. & i. 1. Go with. (a) Go along with. ~ liom (go), go, come, with me (to). (b) Keep company with. Bhí sé ag ~áil le cailín, he was going with a girl. (c) Take sides with. Ghabh siad le Sinn Féin, they sided with Sinn Féin. (d) Be carried along by. Ag ~áil le sruth, going with the current; Fig: going unheeded, going to loss. (e) Appertain to. ~ann an tuarastal céanna leis, the same salary goes with it. An teach agus a ngabhann leis, the house and all its appurtenances. Tá costas ag ~áil leis, it involves expense. An coinníoll a ghabh leis, the condition that was attached to it. (f) Be a symptom of. ~ann teas le fiabhras, heat accompanies fever. (g) Be adapted to. (Of song) ~ann sé le fonn álainn, it goes, is sung, to a lovely air. (h) Match. ~ann sé le do chulaith, it goes with your suit. Níl an dá bhróg ag ~áil le chéile, the two shoes do not match. (i) Resemble. Tá sé ag ~áil le muintir a mháthar, he takes after his mother’s people. (j) Agree with. ~aim leat air sin, I agree with you about that. S.a. leor 3. (k) Be guided by. Ag ~áil le riail, going by rule. 2. Take to. ~áil le ceird, le feirmeoireacht, le cearrbhachas, to take to a trade, to farming, to gambling. 3. Convey to. Buíochas a ghabháil le duine, to return thanks to s.o. Do dhea-mhéin a ghabháil le duine, to present one’s compliments to s.o. ~ mo leithscéal leis, convey my excuses to him. 4. Accept. (a) Lit: An drong nár ghabh leis mar thiarna, those people who did not accept him as their lord. ~ liom in uair mo bháis, receive me at the hour of my death. (b) ~áil le toil Dé, to abide by the will of God. ~aimis leis an saol mar a ghabhann an saol linn, let us take life as we find it. Ó cheannaigh tú é caithfidh tú a ghabháil leis, since you bought it you must do with it. (c) (Of acceptance in marriage) An ngabhann tú léi mar chéile? Do you take her to be your wife? (d) ~aim leat, I accept your offer, your challenge.
Gabhaim le m’~, I undertake.
Bhí sé le ~, ag gabháil le ~, he was going crackers.
~ go socair leis, go easy with it.
Tá siad ag ~áil chun an dlí le chéile, they are going to law with one another.
2. ~ agam a ndúirt mé leat, forgive me for what I said to you.
~ le fuacht a bheith agat, to be able to bear cold.
Tá mé ~ leis an rud seo, I am stuck with this thing.
Ní bheinn ~ leis, I wouldn’t be bothered with it.
Tá an gorm ag gabháil go deas leis, the blue goes nicely with it.
Gabh ~ leis, agree with him, humour him.
Ach amháin ~ ngabhann an dearg leis, except that red doesn’t go with it.
Gabhaim ~ agat, faighim ~ leat, I beg your pardon.
Tá mo chuid cainte ag gabháil le ~, no one is paying any heed to me.