~ binne, surplus (grazing).
Beithígh adharcacha, féaraigh, horned, grazing, cattle.
~ féaraigh, share in grazing rights.
~ (féaraigh) a shocrú ar shliabh, to allocate grazing rights on a mountain.
caorach, gabhar, géanna, number of sheep, goats, geese, equated to a heifer for grazing purposes.
San ~, in am ~, at milking-time (following spell of morning grazing).
An t-~ a dhéanamh, to tend cattle during morning grazing spell.
~ bó, grazing for one cow.
Beithígh a chur ar ~, to put cattle out to graze; to transfer cattle to summer pasture.
Thug sé ~ beag do na ba ar na cinnfhearainn, he gave the cows a short run (of grazing) along the headlands.
Nuair a bhí an t-iníor ~ ar na huachtair, when the grazing was sparse on the uplands.
Tá féar go hinsí cnoc aige, he has all kinds of grazing, grass in plenty.
Ag iníor ar na híochtair, grazing on the lower lands, on the bottoms.
Ag ~e na ngort, grazing the fields.
Thug mé ~ na páirce dóibh, I let them graze the field.
Páirc a ~ean ar iníor, to let a field for grazing.
Idir mhín is fhraoch, both grassland and heather, fine and rough mountain grazing.
Talamh ramhraithe, fat, grazing, land.
~ féaraigh, stretch of grazing land, range.
An grinneall a ~adh, to graze the bottom.