léan1, m. (gs. léin, pl. ~ta). 1. Deep affliction; grief, anguish, woe. Bheith faoi ~, to be grievously afflicted. ~ agus leatrom, sorrow and oppression. Lá léin, day of woe. Chuirfeadh sé ~ ort a bheith ag éisteacht leo, it was, would be, painful to listen to them. Tá ~ air seo, this is terrible. Bhí ~ ar an aimsir, the weather was awful. Is ~ liom do scéal, your story grieves me. Mo ~ gur tharla sé, alas that it should happen. Tá ~ istigh aige dúinn, he is holding a deep grudge against us. Mo ~! Mo ~ géar! Woe is me! ~ ort! ~ áir ort! Woe be to you! 2. Loch léin = loch bhléine : loch 3.
léan2 = leon2.