riar1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of riar2. 2. Administration, management. ~ gnóthaí, cirt, dlí, administration of affairs, of justice, of law. 3. Provision, service. ~ teaghlaigh, provision for household. ~ na hoíche, provision, chores, for the night. Cuireadh ~ maith orainn, we were well looked after. 4. Distribution, allocation. ~ cothrom a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a fair apportionment of sth. An té atá i mbun a ~tha, the person who is serving it out. Fear ~tha déirce, dispenser of charity. 5. Share, supply; sufficiency. Tá mo ~ ann, it is enough for my needs. Tar le do ~ de, make do with your share of it. Tá ~ na gcéadta ann, it would supply a multitude. Tá ~ a gcáis, a riachtanais, acu, they have enough for their needs. ~ maith de mhaoin an tsaoil, a goodly share of the world’s goods. ~ agus éileamh, supply and demand. 6 = réir. (Var: ~adh m)